CouchDB 3.0

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Dear community,

Apache CouchDB® 3.0.0 has been released and is available for download.

Apache CouchDB® lets you access your data where you need it. The Couch Replication Protocol is implemented in a variety of projects and products that span every imaginable computing environment from globally distributed server-clusters, over mobile phones to web browsers.

Store your data safely, on your own servers, or with any leading cloud provider. Your web- and native applications love CouchDB, because it speaks JSON natively and supports binary data for all your data storage needs.

The Couch Replication Protocol lets your data flow seamlessly between server clusters to mobile phones and web browsers, enabling a compelling offline-first user-experience while maintaining high performance and strong reliability. CouchDB comes with a developer-friendly query language, and optionally MapReduce for simple, efficient, and comprehensive data retrieval.

Pre-built packages for Windows, macOS, Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS are available. Docker images have been submitted to Docker Hub for review and will be available as soon as that  process is done.

CouchDB 3.0.0 is a major release, and was originally published on 2020-02-26.

The community would like to thank all contributors for their part in making this release, from the smallest bug report or patch to major contributions in code, design, or marketing, we couldn’t have done it without you!

See the official release notes document for an exhaustive list of all changes:

Release Notes highlights:

– Default installations are now secure and locked down.

– User-defined partitioned databases for faster querying

– Live Shard Splitting for incremental scale-out

– Updated to modern JavaScript engine SpiderMonkey 60

– Official support for ARM and PPC 32bit and 64bit systems

– Many large and small performance improvements

– Automatic view index warmer

– Smarter Compaction Daemon

– Smarter I/O Queue

– Much improved installers for Windows

– macOS binaries are now Notarized for full future Catalina support

– Extremely simplified setup of Lucene search

See the “Road to CouchDB 3.0” blog post series for many more details:

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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