We need to do the math, even on “small” projects

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

When I received a letter saying that the little neighborhood street I live on was scheduled for some improvements, I wasn’t surprised, as other streets in the area were being resurfaced. The stated intent of the project is to upgrade the street to the City Standard. However, as I read further, something jumped off the page at me: $2.1 million.

While it iscritical to maintain what you have, I wanted to use this project to point out that doing it requires restraint as well. As we've seen many times on Strong Towns, "maintain" can quickly become "upgrade" in the presence of available money. Especially, as is often the case, when that money is borrowed.

Let’s take a look at the area to see why this number is so surprising:

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托马斯·舒尔茨(Thomas·Schulz) / 严孟然、陈琴 / 当代中国出版社 / 2016-11-1 / CNY 49.80

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