数据虚拟化系统 Teiid 9.3.7 发布,9.3.x 系列最后一版

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Teiid 9.3.7 已发布,该版本处理了 10 个 issue,具体如下: [TEIID-5190] - Postgresql translator does not support expressions in group by [TEIID-5242] - XML/JSON issues [TEIID-5200] - INSERT INTO quer...

Teiid 9.3.7 已发布,该版本处理了 10 个 issue,具体如下:

  • [TEIID-5190] - Postgresql translator does not support expressions in group by
  • [TEIID-5242] - XML/JSON issues
  • [TEIID-5200] - INSERT INTO query fails in BEGIN ATOMIC block if data is obtained from atomic procedure which catches some exception
  • [TEIID-5203] - Google Spreadsheet translator NPE thrown on UPDATE
  • [TEIID-5204] - NOW() is calculated several times for SYS tables
  • [TEIID-5221] - OData4 Translator generates invalid metadata
  • [TEIID-5241] - Problem with OData proxy configuration
  • [TEIID-5245] - Killed remote jdbc connections to an embedded server allowed to continue
  • [TEIID-5250] - Duplicate result uid reported when using procedure isFunction=true
  • [TEIID-5253] - Timing issue in domain mode with materialization

值得注意的是,该版本可能将成为 9.3.x 系列的最后一个社区版本,所以如果可能的话,建议升级到 10.x,这里有一份简短的升级迁移指南


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




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