PostgreSQL 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13, 9.4.18 和 9.3.23 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:PostgreSQL 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13, 9.4.18 和 9.3.23 全系列更新发布! 本次更新修复了一个安全问题以及过去三个月报告的一些错误。 安全问题 该版本修复了一个安全漏洞 CVE-2018-1115: 函数 pg_logfile_rotate() ...

PostgreSQL 10.4, 9.6.9, 9.5.13, 9.4.18 和 9.3.23 全系列更新发布!




  • CVE-2018-1115: 函数 pg_logfile_rotate() 权限过高,使得可允许访问控制列表

其他 Bug 修复和改进

本次更新还修复了过去几个月报告的 50 多个错误。其中一些问题仅影响版本 10,但更多的是影响所有受支持的版本。

  • Fix incorrect volatility and parallel-safety markings on several built-in functions to ensure correct query planning optimizations

  • Several fixes for partitioning, including potential crashes as well as allowing TRUE and FALSE to be used as partition bounds

  • Fix where a new TOAST value could be assigned to a dead-but-not-yet-vacuumed TOAST OID, which would result in an error similar to "unexpected chunk number 0 (expected 1) for toast value nnnnn"

  • Fix "CREATE TABLE ... LIKE" with bigint identity columns on 32-bit platforms

  • Fix memory leak within the runtime of a query that repeatedly executes hash joins

  • Several crash fixes around queries using GROUPING SET

  • Avoid failure if a query-cancel or session-termination interrupt occurs while committing a prepared transaction

  • Reduce locking during autovacuum worker scheduling, which prevents loss of potential worker concurrency

  • Fix possible slow execution of REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW CONCURRENTLY

  • Several fixes around query plans that use "index-only" scans

  • Avoid deadlocks in concurrent CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY commands that are run under SERIALIZABLE or REPEATABLE READ transaction isolation

  • Several fixes for SP-GiST indexes, including one collation-aware searches on text columns

  • Fixes related to counting the number of tuples in partial GiST, SP-GiST, and Bloom indexes

  • Several fixes for logical decoding and replication

  • Fix misquoting of values for list-valued GUC variables (e.g. local_preload_libraries, session_preload_libraries, shared_preload_libraries, temp_tablespaces) in dumps

  • Several fixes for pg_stat_activity

  • Several fixes for ecpg

  • Fix for pg_recvlogical to ensure compatibility with PostgreSQL versions released before 10

  • Several fixes for pg_rewind


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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[美] Stephan Spencer(斯蒂芬.斯宾塞)、[美] Jimmy Harding(吉米.哈丁)、[美] Jennifer Sheahan(詹尼弗.希汉) / 谭磊 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-3 / 69.00元

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