Ceph 13.1.0 Mimic RC1 发布,可扩展分布式存储系统

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Ceph 13.1.0  Mimic RC1 发布了。这是 mimic 的第一个发布候选版本,是下一个长期版本,但还不是最终的产品发布版本。主要更新内容如下: Core Thepg force-recoverycommand will not work for erasure-coded P...

Ceph 13.1.0  Mimic RC1 发布了。这是 mimic 的第一个发布候选版本,是下一个长期版本,但还不是最终的产品发布版本。主要更新内容如下:


  • Thepg force-recoverycommand will not work for erasure-coded PGs when a
    Luminous monitor is running along with a Mimic OSD. Please use the
    recommended upgrade order of monitors before OSDs to avoid this issue.

  • The sample crush-location-hook script has been removed. Its output is
    equivalent to the built-in default behavior, so it has been replaced with an
    example in the CRUSH documentation.

  • The -f option of the rados tool now means “–format” instead of “–force”,
    for consistency with the ceph tool.

  • The format of the ‘config diff’ output via the admin socket has changed. It
    now reflects the source of each config option (e.g., default, config file,
    command line) as well as the final (active) value.


  • The RBD C API’s rbd_discard method now enforces a maximum length of
    2GB to match the C++ API’s Image::discard method. This restriction
    prevents overflow of the result code.

  • The rbd CLI’s “lock list” JSON and XML output has changed.

  • The rbd CLI’s “showmapped” JSON and XML output has changed.


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

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[美] 大卫·卡什诺 / 孙振南 / 电子工业出版社 / 2004-4 / 29.00元

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