Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0 正式发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:经过 M1-M4 四个版本,Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0 迎来了正式版。 Sharding-Sphere 是一套开源的分布式数据库中间件解决方案组成的生态圈,它由 Sharding-JDBC、Sharding-Proxy 和 Sharding-Sidecar(规划中)这3款相...

经过 M1-M4 四个版本,Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0 迎来了正式版。

Sharding-Sphere 是一套开源的分布式数据库中间件解决方案组成的生态圈,它由 Sharding-JDBC、Sharding-Proxy 和 Sharding-Sidecar(规划中)这3款相互独立的产品组成。他们均提供标准化的数据分片、分布式事务和数据库治理功能,可适用于如 Java 同构、异构语言、容器、云原生等各种多样化的应用场景。


Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0 正式发布



  1. Sharding-Proxy launch. Support the use of Sharding-Sphere in the form of database to support for MySQL CLI and GUI client

New Features


  1. ISSUE #290 Support batch INSERT

  2. ISSUE #501 Support OR

  3. ISSUE #980 Support DCL

  4. ISSUE #1111 Support MySQL DAL


  1. ISSUE #902 Support XA transaction

  2. ISSUE #916 Support authorization

  3. ISSUE #936 Support registry center

  4. ISSUE #1046 Support multiple logic databases



  1. ISSUE #373 Support order by ?

  2. ISSUE #610 Route unicast for DQL without table

  3. ISSUE #701 Caching parsed results to improve performance

  4. ISSUE #773 Support sharding and autoincrement key of INSERT without column names

  5. ISSUE #935 Use YAML instead of JSON to store configurations in registry center

  6. ISSUE #1004 Properties can configure for Sharding and Master-slave independent

  7. ISSUE #1205 Execute engine enhancement


  1. ISSUE #652 Support Spring Boot Starter 2.X

  2. ISSUE #702 Support $->{..} for inline expression

  3. ISSUE #719 Support inject key generator objects by spring namespace

  4. ISSUE #720 Support inject sharding algorithm objects by spring namespace


  1. ISSUE #1172 Opentracing enhancement

API changes

  1. ISSUE #1153 Adjust the maven artifactId for Orchestration module

  2. ISSUE #1203 Adjust Spring namespace xsd for Sharding and Master-slave

  3. ISSUE #1289 Adjust Hint API

  4. ISSUE #1302 Refine package structure

  5. ISSUE #1305 Deprecated and remove sharding-jdbc-transaction-parent module

  6. ISSUE #1382 Remove type configuration in Orchestration module

Bug Fixes


  1. ISSUE #569 Failed to parse SQL for Oracle when ROWNUM is not at end

  2. ISSUE #628 Support data type jsonb for PostgreSQL

  3. ISSUE #646 When aliases in SELECT ITEMS correspond to the real column names of GROUP BY or ORDER BY, there is no need to generate derived columns

  4. ISSUE #806 NOT IN parse exception

  5. ISSUE #827 Endless loop for bad SQL like SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN ()

  6. ISSUE #919 Inline expression with groovy may cause memory leak

  7. ISSUE #993 Fail to parsing PostgreSQL due to the quotation

  8. ISSUE #1015 Support SQL like SELECT id, COUNT(*) FROM table GROUP BY 1,2

  9. ISSUE #1120 Derived columns of GROUP BY / ORDER BY appear in query result

  10. ISSUE #1186 Dead lock may occur on MEMORY_STRICTLY mode when get connection on concurrency environment

  11. ISSUE #1265 RoundRobinMasterSlaveLoadBalanceAlgorithm throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when AtomicInteger overflow


  1. ISSUE #372 Reuse PreparedStatement cause cache of route result do not clean

  2. ISSUE #629 Support transaction isolation on JDBC

  3. ISSUE #735 Unexpected slave datasource routing result when using Round-robin load-balance algorithm in Mybatis

  4. ISSUE #1011 Can't resolve placeholder in Spring Boot YAML configuration



【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Sharding-Sphere 3.0.0 正式发布》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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