Redis 5.0.1 发布,高性能的 KV 数据库

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:关键修复: 1. Fix RESTORE mismatch reply when certain keys already expired. 2. Fix an XCLAIM non trivial issue: sometimes the command returned a wrong entry or desynchronized the protocol. 其他修复:...


1. Fix RESTORE mismatch reply when certain keys already expired.
2. Fix an XCLAIM non trivial issue: sometimes the command returned a wrong
   entry or desynchronized the protocol.


3. Stack trace generation on the Raspberry PI (and 32bit ARM) fixed.
4. Don't evict expired keys when the KEYS command is called, in order to
   avoid a mass deletion event. However expired keys are not displayed
   by KEYS as usually.
5. Improvements in the computation of the memory used, when estimating
   the AOF buffers.
6. XRANGE COUNT of 0 fixed.
7. "key misses" stats accounting fixed. Many cache misses were not counted.
8. When in MULTI state, return OOM while accumulating commands and there
   is no longer memory available.
9. Fix build on FreeBSD and possibly others.
10. Fix a crash in Redis modules, thread safe context reply accumulation.
11. Fix a race condition when producing the RDB file for full SYNC.
12. Disable protected mode in Sentinel.
13. More commands now have the HELP subcommand.
14. Fixed an issue about adaptive server HZ timer.
15. Fix cluster-replica-no-failover option name.

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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[美] Brandon Rhodes、[美] John Goerzen / 诸豪文 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-9 / 79.00元

本书针对想要深入理解使用Python来解决网络相关问题或是构建网络应用程序的技术人员,结合实例讲解了网络协议、网络数据及错误、电子邮件、服务器架构和HTTP及Web应用程序等经典话题。具体内容包括:全面介绍Python3中最新提供的SSL支持,异步I/O循环的编写,用Flask框架在Python代码中配置URL,跨站脚本以及跨站请求伪造攻击网站的原理及保护方法,等等。一起来看看 《Python网络编程(第3版)》 这本书的介绍吧!

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