
栏目: 服务器 · 发布时间: 5年前


上篇文章主要是对 shell_history 的实现进行了分析。通过分析可以发现, osquery 良好的设计使得源码简单易读。 shell_history 的整体实现也比较简单,通过读取并解析 .bash_history 中的内容,获得用户输入的历史命令。本文分析的是 process_open_sockets ,相比较而言实现更加复杂,对 Linux 也需要有更深的了解。


首先查看 process_open_sockets 表的定义:

description("Processes which have open network sockets on the system.")
    Column("pid", INTEGER, "Process (or thread) ID", index=True),
    Column("fd", BIGINT, "Socket file descriptor number"),
    Column("socket", BIGINT, "Socket handle or inode number"),
    Column("family", INTEGER, "Network protocol (IPv4, IPv6)"),
    Column("protocol", INTEGER, "Transport protocol (TCP/UDP)"),
    Column("local_address", TEXT, "Socket local address"),
    Column("remote_address", TEXT, "Socket remote address"),
    Column("local_port", INTEGER, "Socket local port"),
    Column("remote_port", INTEGER, "Socket remote port"),
    Column("path", TEXT, "For UNIX sockets (family=AF_UNIX), the domain path"),
extended_schema(lambda: LINUX() or DARWIN(), [
    Column("state", TEXT, "TCP socket state"),
extended_schema(LINUX, [
    Column("net_namespace", TEXT, "The inode number of the network namespace"),
  "select * from process_open_sockets where pid = 1",



我们进行一个简单的反弹 shell 的操作,然后使用查询 process_open_sockets 表的信息。

osquery> select pos.*,p.cwd,p.cmdline from process_open_sockets pos left join processes p where pos.family=2 and pos.pid=p.pid and net_namespace<>0;
| pid   | fd | socket   | family | protocol | local_address | remote_address | local_port | remote_port | path | state       | net_namespace | cwd             | cmdline   |
| 37272 | 15 | 52319299 | 2      | 6        | |   | 43522      | 9091        |      | ESTABLISHED | 4026531956    | /home/xingjun   | osqueryi  |
| 91155 | 2  | 56651533 | 2      | 6        | |  | 53486      | 8888        |      | ESTABLISHED | 4026531956    | /proc/79036/net | /bin/bash |

process_open_sockets 表的实现是位于 osquery/tables/networking/linux/process_open_sockets.cpp 中。


process_open_sockets 的实现全部是在 QueryData genOpenSockets(QueryContext &context) 一个方法中。


Data for this table is fetched from 3 different sources and correlated.

 1. Collect all sockets associated with each pid by going through all files
 under /proc/<pid>/fd and search for links of the type socket:[<inode>].
 Extract the inode and fd (filename) and index it by inode number. The inode
 can then be used to correlate pid and fd with the socket information
 collected on step 3. The map generated in this step will only contain
 sockets associated with pids in the list, so it will also be used to filter
 the sockets later if pid_filter is set.

 2. Collect the inode for the network namespace associated with each pid.
 Every time a new namespace is found execute step 3 to get socket basic

 3. Collect basic socket information for all sockets under a specifc network
 namespace. This is done by reading through files under /proc/<pid>/net for
 the first pid we find in a certain namespace. Notice this will collect
 information for all sockets on the namespace not only for sockets
 associated with the specific pid, therefore only needs to be run once. From
 this step we collect the inodes of each of the sockets, and will use that
 to correlate the socket information with the information collect on steps
 1 and 2.





std::set <std::string> pids;
if (context.constraints["pid"].exists(EQUALS)) {
    pids = context.constraints["pid"].getAll(EQUALS);

bool pid_filter = !(pids.empty() ||
                    std::find(pids.begin(), pids.end(), "-1") != pids.end());

if (!pid_filter) {
    status = osquery::procProcesses(pids);
    if (!status.ok()) {
        VLOG(1) << "Failed to acquire pid list: " << status.what();
        return results;
  1. 前面的 context.constraints["pid"].exists(EQUALS)pid_filter 为了判断在 SQL 语句中是否存在 where 子句以此拿到选择的pid。
  2. 调用 status = osquery::procProcesses(pids); 拿到对应的PID信息。

跟踪进入到 osquery/filesystem/linux/proc.cpp:procProcesses(std::set<std::string>& processes) :

Status procProcesses(std::set<std::string>& processes) {
  auto callback = [](const std::string& pid,
                     std::set<std::string>& _processes) -> bool {
    return true;

  return procEnumerateProcesses<decltype(processes)>(processes, callback);

继续跟踪进入到 osquery/filesystem/linux/proc.h:procEnumerateProcesses(UserData& user_data,bool (*callback)(const std::string&, UserData&))

const std::string kLinuxProcPath = "/proc";
template<typename UserData>
Status procEnumerateProcesses(UserData &user_data,bool (*callback)(const std::string &, UserData &)) {
    boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(kLinuxProcPath), end;

    try {
        for (; it != end; ++it) {
            if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(it->status())) {

            // See #792: std::regex is incomplete until GCC 4.9
            const auto &pid = it->path().leaf().string();
            if (std::atoll(pid.data()) <= 0) {

            bool ret = callback(pid, user_data);
            if (ret == false) {
    } catch (const boost::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
        VLOG(1) << "Exception iterating Linux processes: " << e.what();
        return Status(1, e.what());

    return Status(0);
  1. boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(kLinuxProcPath), end; 遍历 /proc 目录下面所有的文件,
  2. const auto &pid = it->path().leaf().string();..; bool ret = callback(pid, user_data); ,通过 it->path().leaf().string() 判断是否为数字,之后调用 bool ret = callback(pid, user_data);
  3. callback 方法 _processes.insert(pid);return true; 将查询到的pid全部记录到 user_data 中。

以一个反弹shell的例子为例,使用 osqueryi 查询到的信息如下:

osquery> select * from process_open_sockets where pid=14960; 
| pid   | fd | socket | family | protocol | local_address | remote_address | local_port | remote_port | path | state       | net_namespace |
| 14960 | 2  | 307410 | 2      | 6        | |  | 51118      | 8888        |      | ESTABLISHED | 4026531956    |


/* Use a set to record the namespaces already processed */
std::set <ino_t> netns_list;
SocketInodeToProcessInfoMap inode_proc_map;
SocketInfoList socket_list;
for (const auto &pid : pids) {
    /* Step 1 */
    status = procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap(pid, inode_proc_map);
    if (!status.ok()) {
        VLOG(1) << "Results for process_open_sockets might be incomplete. Failed "
                    "to acquire socket inode to process map for pid "
                << pid << ": " << status.what();

在拿到所有的需要查询的pid信息之后,调用 status = procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap(pid, inode_proc_map); ,顾名思义就是用于获取进程所对应的socket inode编号。进入到 osquery/filesystem/linux/proc.cpp:procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap() 中:

Status procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap(const std::string &pid,SocketInodeToProcessInfoMap &result) {
    auto callback = [](const std::string &_pid,
                        const std::string &fd,
                        const std::string &link,
                        SocketInodeToProcessInfoMap &_result) -> bool {
        /* We only care about sockets. But there will be other descriptors. */
        if (link.find("socket:[") != 0) {
            return true;

        std::string inode = link.substr(8, link.size() - 9);
        _result[inode] = {_pid, fd};
        return true;

    return procEnumerateProcessDescriptors<decltype(result)>(
            pid, result, callback);

其中的 auto callback 定义的是一个回调函数,进入到 procEnumerateProcessDescriptors() 中分析:

const std::string kLinuxProcPath = "/proc";
template<typename UserData>
Status procEnumerateProcessDescriptors(const std::string &pid,
                                        UserData &user_data,
                                        bool (*callback)(const std::string &pid,
                                                        const std::string &fd,
                                                        const std::string &link,
                                                        UserData &user_data)) {
    std::string descriptors_path = kLinuxProcPath + "/" + pid + "/fd";

    try {
        boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(descriptors_path), end;

        for (; it != end; ++it) {
            auto fd = it->path().leaf().string();

            std::string link;
            Status status = procReadDescriptor(pid, fd, link);
            if (!status.ok()) {
                VLOG(1) << "Failed to read the link for file descriptor " << fd
                        << " of pid " << pid << ". Data might be incomplete.";

            bool ret = callback(pid, fd, link, user_data);
            if (ret == false) {
    } catch (boost::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
        VLOG(1) << "Exception iterating process file descriptors: " << e.what();
        return Status(1, e.what());

    return Status(0);


  1. 遍历 /proc/pid/fd ,拿到所有的文件描述符。在本例中即为 /proc/14960/fd
  2. 回调 bool ret = callback(pid, fd, link, user_data); ,即之前在 procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap 中定义的:

        auto callback = [](const std::string &_pid,
                        const std::string &fd,
                        const std::string &link,
                        SocketInodeToProcessInfoMap &_result) -> bool {
        /* We only care about sockets. But there will be other descriptors. */
        if (link.find("socket:[") != 0) {
            return true;
        std::string inode = link.substr(8, link.size() - 9);
        _result[inode] = {_pid, fd};
        return true;

    代码也十分地简单,拿到fd所对应的link,检查是否存在 socket:[ ,如果存在获取对应的 inode 。由于查询的是 process_open_sockets ,所以我们仅仅只关心存在 socket 的link,在本例中就是 307410 。最终在 SocketInodeToProcessInfoMap 中的结构就是 _result[inode] = {_pid, fd}; 。以 inode 作为key,包含了 pidfd 的信息。


在上一步 status = procGetSocketInodeToProcessInfoMap(pid, inode_proc_map); 执行完毕之后,得到 _result[inode] = {_pid, fd}; 。将inode与pid和fd进行了关联。接下里就是解析进程对应的ns信息。

ino_t ns;
ProcessNamespaceList namespaces;
status = procGetProcessNamespaces(pid, namespaces, {"net"});
if (status.ok()) {
    ns = namespaces["net"];
} else {
    /* If namespaces are not available we allways set ns to 0 and step 3 will
        * run once for the first pid in the list.
    ns = 0;
    VLOG(1) << "Results for the process_open_sockets might be incomplete."
                "Failed to acquire network namespace information for process "
                "with pid "
            << pid << ": " << status.what();
跟踪进入到`status = procGetProcessNamespaces(pid, namespaces, {"net"});`,进入到`osquery/filesystem/linux/proc.cpp:procGetProcessNamespaces()`
const std::string kLinuxProcPath = "/proc";
Status procGetProcessNamespaces(const std::string &process_id,ProcessNamespaceList &namespace_list,std::vector <std::string> namespaces) {
    if (namespaces.empty()) {
        namespaces = kUserNamespaceList;
    auto process_namespace_root = kLinuxProcPath + "/" + process_id + "/ns";
    for (const auto &namespace_name : namespaces) {
        ino_t namespace_inode;
        auto status = procGetNamespaceInode(namespace_inode, namespace_name, process_namespace_root);
        if (!status.ok()) {
        namespace_list[namespace_name] = namespace_inode;
    return Status(0, "OK");

遍历 const auto &namespace_name : namespaces ,之后进入到 process_namespace_root 中,调用 procGetNamespaceInode(namespace_inode, namespace_name, process_namespace_root); 进行查询。在本例中 namespaces{"net"} , process_namespace_root/proc/14960/ns

分析 procGetNamespaceInode(namespace_inode, namespace_name, process_namespace_root) :

Status procGetNamespaceInode(ino_t &inode,const std::string &namespace_name,const std::string &process_namespace_root) {
    inode = 0;
    auto path = process_namespace_root + "/" + namespace_name;
    char link_destination[PATH_MAX] = {};
    auto link_dest_length = readlink(path.data(), link_destination, PATH_MAX - 1);
    if (link_dest_length < 0) {
        return Status(1, "Failed to retrieve the inode for namespace " + path);

    // The link destination must be in the following form: namespace:[inode]
    if (std::strncmp(link_destination,
                        namespace_name.size()) != 0 ||
        std::strncmp(link_destination + namespace_name.size(), ":[", 2) != 0) {
        return Status(1, "Invalid descriptor for namespace " + path);

    // Parse the inode part of the string; strtoull should return us a pointer
    // to the closing square bracket
    const char *inode_string_ptr = link_destination + namespace_name.size() + 2;
    char *square_bracket_ptr = nullptr;

    inode = static_cast<ino_t>(
            std::strtoull(inode_string_ptr, □_bracket_ptr, 10));
    if (inode == 0 || square_bracket_ptr == nullptr ||
        *square_bracket_ptr != ']') {
        return Status(1, "Invalid inode value in descriptor for namespace " + path);

    return Status(0, "OK");

根据 procGetProcessNamespaces() 中定义的相关变量,得到 path/proc/pid/ns/net ,在本例中是 /proc/14960/ns/net 。通过 inode = static_cast<ino_t>(std::strtoull(inode_string_ptr, &square_bracket_ptr, 10)); ,解析 /proc/pid/ns/net 所对应的 inode 。在本例中:


所以取到的 inode4026531956 。之后在 procGetProcessNamespaces() 中执行 namespace_list[namespace_name] = namespace_inode; ,所以 namespace_list['net']=4026531956 。最终 ns = namespaces["net"]; ,所以得到的 ns=4026531956


// Linux proc protocol define to net stats file name.
const std::map<int, std::string> kLinuxProtocolNames = {
        {IPPROTO_ICMP,    "icmp"},
        {IPPROTO_TCP,     "tcp"},
        {IPPROTO_UDP,     "udp"},
        {IPPROTO_UDPLITE, "udplite"},
        {IPPROTO_RAW,     "raw"},
if (netns_list.count(ns) == 0) {

    /* Step 3 */
    for (const auto &pair : kLinuxProtocolNames) {
        status = procGetSocketList(AF_INET, pair.first, ns, pid, socket_list);
        if (!status.ok()) {
                    << "Results for process_open_sockets might be incomplete. Failed "
                        "to acquire basic socket information for AF_INET "
                    << pair.second << ": " << status.what();

        status = procGetSocketList(AF_INET6, pair.first, ns, pid, socket_list);
        if (!status.ok()) {
                    << "Results for process_open_sockets might be incomplete. Failed "
                        "to acquire basic socket information for AF_INET6 "
                    << pair.second << ": " << status.what();
    status = procGetSocketList(AF_UNIX, IPPROTO_IP, ns, pid, socket_list);
    if (!status.ok()) {
                << "Results for process_open_sockets might be incomplete. Failed "
                    "to acquire basic socket information for AF_UNIX: "
                << status.what();

对于 icmp/tcp/udp/udplite/raw 会调用 status = procGetSocketList(AF_INET|AF_INET6|AF_UNIX, pair.first, ns, pid, socket_list); 。我们这里仅仅以 procGetSocketList(AF_INET, pair.first, ns, pid, socket_list); 进行说明(其中的 ns 就是 4026531956 )。

Status procGetSocketList(int family, int protocol,ino_t net_ns,const std::string &pid, SocketInfoList &result) {
    std::string path = kLinuxProcPath + "/" + pid + "/net/";

    switch (family) {
        case AF_INET:
            if (kLinuxProtocolNames.count(protocol) == 0) {
                return Status(1,"Invalid family " + std::to_string(protocol) +" for AF_INET familiy");
            } else {
                path += kLinuxProtocolNames.at(protocol);

        case AF_INET6:
            if (kLinuxProtocolNames.count(protocol) == 0) {
                return Status(1,"Invalid protocol " + std::to_string(protocol) +" for AF_INET6 familiy");
            } else {
                path += kLinuxProtocolNames.at(protocol) + "6";

        case AF_UNIX:
            if (protocol != IPPROTO_IP) {
                return Status(1,
                                "Invalid protocol " + std::to_string(protocol) +
                                " for AF_UNIX familiy");
            } else {
                path += "unix";


            return Status(1, "Invalid family " + std::to_string(family));

    std::string content;
    if (!osquery::readFile(path, content).ok()) {
        return Status(1, "Could not open socket information from " + path);

    Status status(0);
    switch (family) {
        case AF_INET:
        case AF_INET6:
            status = procGetSocketListInet(family, protocol, net_ns, path, content, result);

        case AF_UNIX:
            status = procGetSocketListUnix(net_ns, path, content, result);

    return status;

由于我们的传参是 family=AF_INET,protocol=tcp,net_ns=4026531956,pid=14960 。执行流程如下:

  1. path += kLinuxProtocolNames.at(protocol); ,得到 path/proc/14960/net/tcp
  2. osquery::readFile(path, content).ok() ,读取文件内容,即 /proc/14960/net/tcp 所对应的文件内容。在本例中是:

     sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
    0: 00000000:1538 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000    26        0 26488 1 ffff912c69c21740 100 0 0 10 0
    1: 0100007F:0019 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 28721 1 ffff912c69c23640 100 0 0 10 0
    2: 00000000:01BB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27739 1 ffff912c69c21f00 100 0 0 10 0
    3: 0100007F:18EB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000   988        0 25611 1 ffff912c69c207c0 100 0 0 10 0
    4: 00000000:0050 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27737 1 ffff912c69c226c0 100 0 0 10 0
    5: 017AA8C0:0035 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 29031 1 ffff912c69c23e00 100 0 0 10 0
    6: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25754 1 ffff912c69c20f80 100 0 0 10 0
    7: 0100007F:0277 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25590 1 ffff912c69c20000 100 0 0 10 0
    8: 9C02A8C0:C7AE 9102A8C0:22B8 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000  1000        0 307410 1 ffff912c374887c0 20 0 0 10 -1
  3. 执行 procGetSocketListInet(family, protocol, net_ns, path, content, result);


static Status procGetSocketListInet(int family,int protocol,ino_t net_ns,const std::string &path,const std::string &content,SocketInfoList &result) {
    // The system's socket information is tokenized by line.
    bool header = true;
    for (const auto &line : osquery::split(content, "\n")) {
        if (header) {
            if (line.find("sl") != 0 && line.find("sk") != 0) {
                return Status(1, std::string("Invalid file header for ") + path);
            header = false;

        // The socket information is tokenized by spaces, each a field.
        auto fields = osquery::split(line, " ");
        if (fields.size() < 10) {
            VLOG(1) << "Invalid socket descriptor found: '" << line
                    << "'. Skipping this entry";

        // Two of the fields are the local/remote address/port pairs.
        auto locals = osquery::split(fields[1], ":");
        auto remotes = osquery::split(fields[2], ":");

        if (locals.size() != 2 || remotes.size() != 2) {
            VLOG(1) << "Invalid socket descriptor found: '" << line
                    << "'. Skipping this entry";

        SocketInfo socket_info = {};
        socket_info.socket = fields[9];
        socket_info.net_ns = net_ns;
        socket_info.family = family;
        socket_info.protocol = protocol;
        socket_info.local_address = procDecodeAddressFromHex(locals[0], family);
        socket_info.local_port = procDecodePortFromHex(locals[1]);
        socket_info.remote_address = procDecodeAddressFromHex(remotes[0], family);
        socket_info.remote_port = procDecodePortFromHex(remotes[1]);

        if (protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) {
            char *null_terminator_ptr = nullptr;
            auto integer_socket_state =
                    std::strtoull(fields[3].data(), &null_terminator_ptr, 16);
            if (integer_socket_state == 0 ||
                integer_socket_state >= tcp_states.size() ||
                null_terminator_ptr == nullptr || *null_terminator_ptr != 0) {
                socket_info.state = "UNKNOWN";
            } else {
                socket_info.state = tcp_states[integer_socket_state];


    return Status(0);


  1. const auto &line : osquery::split(content, "\n");.. auto fields = osquery::split(line, " "); 解析文件,读取每一行的内容。对每一行采用空格分割;
  2. 解析信息

    SocketInfo socket_info = {};
    socket_info.socket = fields[9];
    socket_info.net_ns = net_ns;
    socket_info.family = family;
    socket_info.protocol = protocol;
    socket_info.local_address = procDecodeAddressFromHex(locals[0], family);
    socket_info.local_port = procDecodePortFromHex(locals[1]);
    socket_info.remote_address = procDecodeAddressFromHex(remotes[0], family);
    socket_info.remote_port = procDecodePortFromHex(remotes[1]);

    解析 /proc/14960/net/tcp 文件中的每一行,分别填充至 socket_info 结构中。但是在 /proc/14960/net/tcp 并不是所有的信息都是我们需要的,我们还需要对信息进行过滤。可以看到最后一条的 inode307410 才是我们需要的。


将解析完毕 /proc/14960/net/tcp 获取 socket_info 之后,继续执行 genOpenSockets() 中的代码。

for (const auto &info : socket_list) {
    Row r;
    auto proc_it = inode_proc_map.find(info.socket);
    if (proc_it != inode_proc_map.end()) {
        r["pid"] = proc_it->second.pid;
        r["fd"] = proc_it->second.fd;
    } else if (!pid_filter) {
        r["pid"] = "-1";
        r["fd"] = "-1";
    } else {
        /* If we're filtering by pid we only care about sockets associated with
            * pids on the list.*/

    r["socket"] = info.socket;
    r["family"] = std::to_string(info.family);
    r["protocol"] = std::to_string(info.protocol);
    r["local_address"] = info.local_address;
    r["local_port"] = std::to_string(info.local_port);
    r["remote_address"] = info.remote_address;
    r["remote_port"] = std::to_string(info.remote_port);
    r["path"] = info.unix_socket_path;
    r["state"] = info.state;
    r["net_namespace"] = std::to_string(info.net_ns);



auto proc_it = inode_proc_map.find(info.socket);
if (proc_it != inode_proc_map.end()) {

通过遍历 socket_list ,判断在第一步保存在 inode_proc_map 中的inode信息与 info 中的inode信息是否一致,如果一致,说明就是我们需要的那个进程的网络连接的信息。最终保存我们查询到的信息 results.push_back(std::move(r));

到这里,我们就查询到了进程的所有的网络连接的信息。最终通过 osquery 展现。

osquery> select * from process_open_sockets where pid=14960; 
| pid   | fd | socket | family | protocol | local_address | remote_address | local_port | remote_port | path | state       | net_namespace |
| 14960 | 2  | 307410 | 2      | 6        | |  | 51118      | 8888        |      | ESTABLISHED | 4026531956    |

以上就是整个osquery执行 process_open_sockets 表查询的整个流程。


Linux一些皆文件的特性,使得我们能够通过读取Linux下某些文件信息获取系统/进程所有的信息。在前面我们仅仅是从 osquery 的角度来分析的。本节主要是对Linux中的与网络有关、进程相关的信息进行说明。

/proc/net/tcp/proc/net/udp 中保存了当前系统中所有的进程信息,与 /proc/pid/net/tcp 或者是 /proc/pid/net/udp 中保存的信息完全相同。

/proc/net/tcp 信息如下:

sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
0: 00000000:1538 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000    26        0 26488 1 ffff912c69c21740 100 0 0 10 0
1: 0100007F:0019 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 28721 1 ffff912c69c23640 100 0 0 10 0
2: 00000000:01BB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27739 1 ffff912c69c21f00 100 0 0 10 0
3: 00000000:1F40 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000  1000        0 471681 1 ffff912c37488f80 100 0 0 10 0
4: 0100007F:18EB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000   988        0 25611 1 ffff912c69c207c0 100 0 0 10 0
5: 00000000:0050 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27737 1 ffff912c69c226c0 100 0 0 10 0
6: 017AA8C0:0035 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 29031 1 ffff912c69c23e00 100 0 0 10 0
7: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25754 1 ffff912c69c20f80 100 0 0 10 0
8: 0100007F:0277 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25590 1 ffff912c69c20000 100 0 0 10 0
9: 9C02A8C0:C7AE 9102A8C0:22B8 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000  1000        0 307410 1 ffff912c374887c0 20 0 0 10 -1

/proc/14960/net/tcp 信息如下:

sl  local_address rem_address   st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt   uid  timeout inode
0: 00000000:1538 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000    26        0 26488 1 ffff912c69c21740 100 0 0 10 0
1: 0100007F:0019 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 28721 1 ffff912c69c23640 100 0 0 10 0
2: 00000000:01BB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27739 1 ffff912c69c21f00 100 0 0 10 0
3: 0100007F:18EB 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000   988        0 25611 1 ffff912c69c207c0 100 0 0 10 0
4: 00000000:0050 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 27737 1 ffff912c69c226c0 100 0 0 10 0
5: 017AA8C0:0035 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 29031 1 ffff912c69c23e00 100 0 0 10 0
6: 00000000:0016 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25754 1 ffff912c69c20f80 100 0 0 10 0
7: 0100007F:0277 00000000:0000 0A 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000     0        0 25590 1 ffff912c69c20000 100 0 0 10 0
8: 9C02A8C0:C7AE 9102A8C0:22B8 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000  1000        0 307410 1 ffff912c374887c0 20 0 0 10 -1

我们每一列的含义都是固定的,我们以最终一列 9C02A8C0:C7AE 9102A8C0:22B8 01 00000000:00000000 00:00000000 00000000 1000 0 307410 1 ffff912c374887c0 20 0 0 10 -1 为例进行说明。

  1. local_address ,本地通讯端口和IP,本例是 9C02A8C0:C7AE9C02A8C0 ,是本地IP。 9C02A8C0 是十六进制,转换为十进制是 2617419968 ,将其转换为IP地址则是 ,倒装一下得到 转化为十进制是 51118 。所以当进行网络通信时,得到本地IP是 ,端口是 51118
  2. rem_address ,远程服务器通信端口和IP,本例是 9102A8C0:22B89102A8C0 是远程IP。分析方法和 local_address 相同,得到远程IP是 ,端口是 8888
  3. st ,socket的状态,本例是 01st 的不同的值表示不同的含义。
    • 01: ESTABLISHED,
    • 02: SYN_SENT
    • 03: SYN_RECV
    • 04: FIN_WAIT1
    • 05: FIN_WAIT2
    • 06: TIME_WAIT
    • 07: CLOSE
    • 08: CLOSE_WAIT
    • 09: LAST_ACK
    • 0A: LISTEN
    • 0B: CLOSING
      所以在本例中 01 则说明是 ESTABLISHED 状态。
  4. tx_queue , 表示发送队列中的数据长度,本例是 00000000
  5. rx_queue , 如果状态是 ESTABLISHED ,表示接受队列中数据长度;如果是 LISTEN ,表示已完成连接队列的长度;
  6. tr ,定时器类型。为0,表示没有启动计时器;为1,表示重传定时器;为2,表示连接定时器;为3,表示TIME_WAIT定时器;为4,表示持续定时器;
  7. tm->when ,超时时间。
  8. retrnsmt ,超时重传次数
  9. uid ,用户id
  10. timeout ,持续定时器或保洁定时器周期性发送出去但未被确认的TCP段数目,在收到ACK之后清零
  11. inode ,socket连接对应的inode
  12. 1 ,没有显示header,表示的是socket的引用数目
  13. ffff912c374887c0 ,没有显示header,表示sock结构对应的地址
  14. 20 ,没有显示header,表示 RTO ,单位是 clock_t
  15. 0 ,用来计算延时确认的估值
  16. 0 ,快速确认数和是否启用标志位的或元算结果
  17. 10 ,当前拥塞窗口大小
  18. -1 ,如果慢启动阈值大于等于0x7fffffff显示-1,否则表示慢启动阈值

proc_net_tcp_decode 这篇文章对每个字段也进行了详细地说明。

通过查看某个具体的pid的fd信息,检查是否存在以 socket: 开头的文件描述符,如果存在则说明存在网络通信。


在得到了 socket 所对应的inode之后,就可以在 /proc/net/tcp 中查询对应的socket的信息,比如远程服务器的IP和端口信息。这样通过socket的inode就可以关联进程信息和它的网络信息。




以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






Andrew Koenig、Barbara Moo / 黄晓春、孟岩(审校) / 人民邮电出版社 / 2008-1 / 55.00元

《C++沉思录》基于作者在知名技术杂志发表的技术文章、世界各地发表的演讲以及斯坦福大学的课程讲义整理、写作而成,融聚了作者10多年C++程序生涯的真知灼见。全书分为6篇32章,分别对C++语言的历史和特点、类和继承、STL与泛型编程、库的设计等几大技术话题进行了详细而深入的讨论,细微之处几乎涵盖了C++所有的设计思想和技术细节。全书通过精心挑选的实例,向读者传达先进的程序设计的方法和理念。一起来看看 《C++沉思录》 这本书的介绍吧!

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