CakePHP 3.5.0 发布,PHP 开发框架

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:CakePHP 3.5.0 发布了。CakePHP 是一个运用了诸如 ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller 和 MVC 等著名设计模式的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的 PHP 开发人员快...

CakePHP 3.5.0 发布了。CakePHP 是一个运用了诸如 ActiveRecord、Association Data Mapping、Front Controller 和 MVC 等著名 设计模式 的快速开发框架。该项目主要目标是提供一个可以让各种层次的 PHP 开发人员快速地开发出健壮的 Web 应用,而又不失灵活性。


  • Scoped Middleware - Middleware can now be conditionally applied to routes in specific URL scopes. This allows you to build specific stacks of middleware for different parts of your application without having to write URL checking code in your middleware.

  • New Middleware - New middleware was added to apply CSRF tokens, and encrypted cookies.

  • Improved Console Environment - A new console dispatcher has been added, integrating the Application class into the CLI environment. Integration testing helpers have been added making testing console commands simpler.

  • Helpful Console Errors - Missing options & subcommands now make suggestions of valid options instead of just erroring out.

  • Cache Engine Fallbacks - Cache engines can now be configured with a fallback key that defines a cache configuration to fall back to if the engine is misconfigured (or unavailable).

  • Cookie Objects - New Cookie & CookieCollection classes have been added. These classes allow you to work with cookies in an object-orientated way.

  • dotenv Support added to Application Skeleton - The application skeleton now features a 'dotenv' integration making it easier to use environment variables to configure your application.


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《CakePHP 3.5.0 发布,PHP 开发框架》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






Michael Wong、IBM XL编译器中国开发团队 / 机械工业出版社 / 2013-6 / 69.00元

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