JavaMelody 1.70.0 发布,Java 应用监控平台

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:JavaMelody 1.70.0 发布了,JavaMelody 的目标是在 QA 和生产环境中监视 Java 或 Java EE 应用程序。 更新内容: added: integration with Prometheus: Metrics are already displayed in the monitoring report...

JavaMelody 1.70.0 发布了,JavaMelody 的目标是在 QA 和生产环境中监视 Java 或 Java EE 应用程序。


  • added: integration with Prometheus: Metrics are already displayed in the monitoring reports. You can also scrape the same metrics from Prometheus at the frequency you wish for advanced visualizations, if you have a Prometheus server installed (PR #682 & PR #684, thanks to slynn1324). See doc.

  • added integration with StatsD: Metrics are already displayed in the charts of the monitoring reports. As an extra, you can also publish the same metrics to StatsD, if you have a StatsD daemon installed. The parameter is statsd-address, see doc. (92aeffe)

  • fix #672: because of issues with aspectj / auto-proxy in some cases, methods annotated by @Async, @Scheduled or @Schedules are no longer automatically monitored when using net/bull/javamelody/monitoring-spring.xml. They are now monitored by adding net/bull/javamelody/monitoring-spring-scheduled.xml in the Spring context.

  • fix #681: upgrade prototype.js, effects.js and slider.js

  • fix #665: fix jdbc undeploy in WildFly 10.1.0 / JBoss EAP 7.0 (with help from Christoph Böhme)

  • In Jira 6+, make sure that the current user is an ApplicationUser (PR #2, thanks to Andreas Ebert)

  • In Bamboo 6+, fix #671: Monitoring page forbidden

  • In the javamelody grails plugin, when using Grails 3.2.11, fix #43, "No signature of method: java.lang.String.encodeAsHTML()", (PR #50, thanks to Graeme Rocher and Sébastien Martin) and fix #48: "No value for key [org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy] bound to thread" (PR #51, thanks to Sébastien Martin)


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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胡江堂、李成、唐雅薇、秦琴、蒋宇东、刘未鹏、居振梁、刘帅、温卫斌、张弦、张凯峰、庄表伟、宋劲杉、程露、黄小明、易晓东、简朝阳、林健、高昂、徐宥、辜新星 / 电子工业出版社 / 2009 / 29.80

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