GitLab 社区版和企业版发布 10.1.3 补丁版本

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:GitLab 发布 10.1.3 补丁版本,包括社区版和企业版。 该版本主要是 Bug 的修复,包括: CE/EE: Fix diff parser so it tolerates to diff special markers in the content (!14848) CE/EE: Fix cancel button n...

GitLab 发布 10.1.3 补丁版本,包括社区版和企业版。

该版本主要是 Bug 的修复,包括:

  • CE/EE: Fix diff parser so it tolerates to diff special markers in the content (!14848)

  • CE/EE: Fix cancel button not working while uploading on the new issue page (!15137)

  • CE/EE: Render 404 when polling commit notes without having permissions (!15140)

  • CE/EE: Fix webhooks recent deliveries (!15146)

  • CE/EE: Fix issues with forked projects of which the source was deleted (!15150)

  • CE/EE: Remove Filesystem check metrics that use too much CPU to handle requests (!15158)

  • CE/EE: Avoid regenerating the ref path for the environment (!15167)

  • CE/EE: Fix a migration that adds merge_requests_ff_only_enabled column to MR table (!15195)

  • CE/EE: Make sure group and project creation is blocked for new users that are external by default (!15212)

  • CE/EE: Fix GPG signature popup info in Safari and Firefox (!15228)

  • CE/EE: Fix arguments Import/Export error importing project merge requests (!15241)

  • CE/EE: Show error message when fast-forward merge is not possible (!15296)

  • CE/EE: Prevent OAuth phishing attack by presenting detailed wording about app to user during authorization (!15311)

  • EE: Fix: Failed to rebase MR from forked repo (!3258)


【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 []

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黄若 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-4 / 49

在《我看电商3:零售的变革》之前,黄若先生的“我看电商”系列图书《我看电商》《再看电商》《我看电商2》,均为行业畅销书。黄若先生的图书有两大特如一是干货满满,二是观点鲜明。 “新零售”是眼下的热门词。在2017年里,数以万计的企业以“新零售”作为标识进入市场。但是社会上对“新零售“存在着各种模糊的定义和不尽相同的解读。 《我看电商3:零售的变革》中明确提出:新零售不应过分关注于渠道形式......一起来看看 《我看电商3:零售的变革》 这本书的介绍吧!

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