Ubuntu 20.04 LTS change hostname permanently

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:file. Open the Terminal application and type the following commands to set or change the hostname or computer name on Ubuntu.The procedure to change the computer name on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

I am a brand-new Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS VM user. By default, my server name to ‘localhost’ during cloud installation, but now I would like to change the computer name to ‘ubuntu-2004-nixcraft’. Can you tell me how do I remove the localhost and set it to ubuntu-2004-nixcraft on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux? How do I change the Ubuntu computer name from ‘localhost’ to ‘ubuntu-2004-nixcraft’? Can you tell me more about Ubuntu Linux change hostname command?

One can use the hostnamectl command to view or set the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server’s host name. The host name or computer name is usually at system startup in /etc/hostname

file. Open the Terminal application and type the following commands to set or change the hostname or computer name on Ubuntu.

How to display the current Ubuntu hostname

Run the following command:


Of course, you can use the echo command/printf command to print hostname too:

echo "$HOSTNAME"
printf "%s\n" $HOSTNAME
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS change hostname permanently

Finally, try thecat command on /etc/hostname

cat /etc/hostname

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS change hostname permanently

The procedure to change the computer name on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:

  1. Type the hostnamectl command :
    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname newNameHere
    Delete the old name and setup new name.
  2. Next Edit the /etc/hosts file:
    sudo nano /etc/hosts
    Replace any occurrence of the existing computer name with your new hostname.
  3. Reboot the system to changes take effect:
    sudo reboot

How to change hostname on Ubuntu 20.04 without a system restart

Let us view current computer name setting, just type the following command:


Next change hostname from localhost to ubuntu-2004-nixcraft, enter:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname ubuntu-2004-nixcraft

Verify new changes:

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS change hostname permanently

Find your public or private IP address by running theip command:

ip a

ip a s eth0
12: eth0@if13: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:16:3e:24:b3:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::216:3eff:fe24:b308/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Update /etc/hosts file with that IP address such as using a text editor such as vim command/nano command:

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts


$ sudo nano /etc/hosts

Update/append: ubuntu-2004-nixcraft

Make sure you replace all occurrence of the old computer name with your new one too. Save and close the file in vim .


You learned how to change hostname permanently when using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server or desktop computer as per your project needs.

This entry is 17 of 17 in the Linux/Unix Set hostname Tutorial series. Keep reading the rest of the series:
  1. Ubuntu Linux Change Hostname (computer name)
  2. Debian Linux: Change Hostname / Computer Name Permanently
  3. Linux change my hostname / computer system name
  4. Linux Change Hostname
  5. RHEL / Centos Linux 7: Change and Set Hostname Command
  6. OpenBSD Change Hostname
  7. CentOS Linux 5/6 Change Hostname Command
  8. Linux setting hostname and domain name of my server
  9. FreeBSD Change Hostname without reboot
  10. SuSe Linux Change Hostname without reboot
  11. How to set the hostname on Fedora Linux
  12. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS change hostname permanently
  13. Ubuntu set hostname permanently (computer name) command
  14. OpenSUSE Linux set hostname permanently (computer name) command
  15. RHEL 8 Linux set hostname permanently (computer name) command
  16. CentOS 8 Linux set hostname permanently (computer name) command
  17. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS set hostname permanently (computer name) command

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罗振宇 / 长江文艺出版社 / 2013-10-25 / 36.00

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