Angular 9 Has Arrived!

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Angular 9 is finally here and the world rejoices! I could detail out for you the finer points of this release. But Nwose already did such a great job in “TopWhat I will give you is something that only I can give — my perspective and our perspective here at

Angular 9 is finally here and the world rejoices! I could detail out for you the finer points of this release. But Nwose already did such a great job in “Top New Features of Angular 9 ”. No, instead of duplicating something that you can already get somewhere else, I will provide you with something no other can. That is, our personal experience here at Progress with the latest update.

What I will give you is something that only I can give — my perspective and our perspective here at Progress.

It’s true that the Angular community has long been awaiting this latest version. Ivy has been softly whispered by thousands of Angular-ites with hope and wonder on their lips as they release this seeming prayer into the code-verse. Alas, our prayer has been answered and we now have the most kick-butt-ey-est of kick-butt engines for our all-incredible frontend framework.

OK, sure, I’m a bit much. But just a bit. This update really is wonderful news. And best of all, you as the developer won’t even notice the changes, just the improvements.

As an Angular GDE, it has been neat to get an inside look at the goings-on of the team and the framework they’re building, as they’re building it. I was very humbled by the amount of effort and care that went into this latest version. It is very apparent that they want this version and all future versions to be super smooth and easy to transition to.

They asked for all of the GDEs to beta test the RC with any applications, big or small, and then to provide our feedback and pain points. Here at Progress, our Kendo UI team had some bumps with the earlier RCs with ngcc ( read about them here ) and it was great to see how responsive and helpful the team was in fixing these issues for us.Kendo UIand all of her gloriouscomponentsare good to go with the latest version of Angular.

Angular 9 Has Arrived!

Not only are all of our existing Kendo UI components good to go with this latest version of Angular, but all of our new components just released this month! Check out our latest stuff, including a checkbox, radio button, cards, chips, AND SO MUCH FLIPPING MORE. Check outthis postoutlining all of the latest goods for our R1 2020 release of Kendo UI for Angular.  

If you’ve been here awhile and have an app that needs updating, here is how to get to the latest version:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

If you are new to the Angular community and need help getting started, check out these resources and WELCOME to the community!

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Angular 9 Has Arrived!》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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