Save your development time by building the MVP product of Uber

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:What if you build a product and it doesn’t fit into the market? You would waste your time and the cost of building the entire product.Instead of this mess why don’t you start with MVP?The Minimum viable product is the product having minimal features giving

What if you build a product and it doesn’t fit into the market? You would waste your time and the cost of building the entire product.

Instead of this mess why don’t you start with MVP?

What is the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

The Minimum viable product is the product having minimal features giving better functionality than other products or solves the problem which the targeted customers face.

Save your development time by building the MVP product of Uber

Let’s imagine the car as the final product and the MVP product is the 1st iterated product. If the end-users want a car, you don’t simply give a tyre as the MVP product. What would the user do with the car tire? They wanted a car.

The same way if you give a bicycle as the MVP instead of a car, the customers might feel confused and can’t relate how a bicycle would be rebuilt to the car.

Therefore, build an MVP product being usable and needful to users. Get their candid feedback of the product as that would give the idea of the next development process for adding any advanced or complicated features to MVP.

Why prefer the development of MVP?

According to statistics , 70% of small business owners failed in their 10th year in business.

Most products turned out to be unsuccessful because it failed miserably to please the targeted audience. Users need a product which solves the existing problem the market presents or it is something which can completely revolutionize the industry, making the traditional trend obsolete.

MVP helps you to validate your product idea to the targeted audience. The user’s feedback and growth denotes the market needs and demand.

At times, startups have a great product idea but get executed poorly.

MVP can help in recognising the missing details through customer feedback and set you on the right path.

So once again, the day is saved, thanks to “MVP”!

MVP saves the development time

Instead of building the full product with comprehensive features, and getting failed in the market, MVP saves it from time and embarrassment.

MVP is developed quickly within 1–3 months as it contains only the minimum and essential features. Even if your product idea doesn’t take off, you don’t have to waste time starting the next development iteration.

If you build your Uber-like app is cross-platform, this can save more time and it can be natively compiled to other platforms. Prefer Flutter, to elevate the app performance and to build a visually appealing UI.

MVP saves the development cost

MVP can save the development cost by building minimum features instead of building the whole product at once.

If developed with a cross-platform, you can reduce the development cost by half as you don’t have to develop separate native apps.


MVP can save the development time and cost by developing the product with crucial and minimum features. To develop an MVP product of an on-demand Uber-Alike business, Wooberly — Uber clone would be a wonderful choice. It is developed with the cross-platform Flutter, which saves more time and money.

To try our iOS and Android apps demo for both Rider and Driver.


Share your valuable feedback with us!

P.S. I am part of the RadicalStart team. If you have any doubts, contact us at .

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Save your development time by building the MVP product of Uber》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






(美)Andrei Alexandrescu / 侯捷、於春景 / 华中科技大学出版社 / 2003-03 / 59.8

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