Inori/GPCS4: A Playstation 4 emulator just begin

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:A Playstation 4 emulator which was just started.A project done for fun, and for technical research.The only reason I have started this project is for learning 3D graphics; I don't intend it to become a serious application.


A Playstation 4 emulator which was just started.

A project done for fun, and for technical research.

The only reason I have started this project is for learning 3D graphics; I don't intend it to become a serious application.

Latest progress

Inori/GPCS4: A Playstation 4 emulator just begin

First commercial game support, We are Doomed . Thanks to our developers.

It's not playable now, since the FPS is very low, because there are currently no optimizations.

GPCS4 will recompile all the shaders, untiling all the textures and upload all the buffers every frame, making it less efficient.

Besides, there are still some problems in the game pad emulation.

We will try to resolve these issues incrementally.

Inori/GPCS4: A Playstation 4 emulator just begin

First correct image rendered, although this is a 2D image demo, it's actually rendered in a 3D pipeline.

There is still some hard-coded test code, but with more design, and most importantly, using our shader translator. There won't be any hand-written shaders anymore.

Next I'll focus on Nier and improve the graphics implementation.

Inori/GPCS4: A Playstation 4 emulator just begin

This is a previous running result of Nier:Automata. It is not correct yet, and I'll try to improve it.


  • Graphics

    • Gnm reverse engineering
      Parsing PM4 command buffers and some other formats to recover the original Gnm calls.  Still a lot of work.
    • Vulkan backend
      Translate Gnm calls into vulkan calls. Far from complete.
    • Shader recompiler
      Translate GCN bytecode into Spir-V bytecode. Far from complete.
  • Hardware

    • Audio
      Just started.
    • Gamepad
      Basic implementation.
  • System

    • Dynamic linker
      TLS support is not complete yet, and possibly neither are some other initialization functions.
    • System resource management, ie. Thread, virtual memory, synchronize object, file, clock.
      For functions which do not require system resource (e.g: math functions),  we'll use the system libraries directly.  For others, we will try to implement them, one by one.


Read our Developer's Guide

For more details you could join our discord server to contact me, or if you are used to Tencent QQ/TIM, just join our group. There you can get more resources which are useful for contributing.

Discord: GPCS4

Tencent QQ/TIM Group Number: 470865218


To run or develop GPCS4, a CPU supporting AVX512 as well as a graphics card supporting Vulkan are required.

Currently, only Windows build is supported.

For more details, see the Developer's Guide




以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Inori/GPCS4: A Playstation 4 emulator just begin》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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