
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The term originated in theMeiji era (1868–1912) as Japanese slang.It combines elements ofThe American author and bibliophileA. Edward Newton commented on a similar state.

A stack of books found after cleaning a room

Tsundoku ( Japanese : 積ん読 ) is acquiring reading materials but letting them pile up in one's home without reading them.

The term originated in theMeiji era (1868–1912) as Japanese slang.It combines elements of tsunde-oku ( 積んでおく , to pile things up ready for later and leave) and dokusho ( 読書 , reading books). It is also used to refer to books ready for reading later when they are on abookshelf. As currently written, the word combines the characters for "pile up" ( ) and the character for "read" ( ).

The American author and bibliophileA. Edward Newton commented on a similar state.

See also [ edit ]

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别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单

别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单

Excel之家 (Excel Home) / 人民邮电出版社 / 2012-10-1 / 49.00元

《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》考虑到大多数读者没有编程基础的实际情况,用浅显易懂的语言和生动形象的比喻,并配合大量插画,介绍excel中看似复杂的概念和代码、从简单的宏录制、vba编程环境和基础语法的介绍,到常用对象的操作与控制、excel事件的调用与控制、用户界面设计、代码调试与优化、都进行了形象的介绍。 《别怕,excel vba其实很简单》适合想提高工作效率的办公人员,特别是经......一起来看看 《别怕,Excel VBA其实很简单》 这本书的介绍吧!

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