Top 20 free Data Science, ML and AI MOOCs on the Internet

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Here is a list of the best free online courses on Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.It’s the year 2020, and data science is more

Here is a list of the best free online courses on Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

Feb 14 ·12min read

Top 20 free Data Science, ML and AI MOOCs on the Internet

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

F ormal education in the 21st century has transformed into a choice instead of a mandatory step in life. With the internet boom and the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), one can opt for learning data science online and avoid the burden of student debt. Statistics show that eLearning enables students to learn 5x more material for every hour of training. The benefits of online learning are limitless — from the cost-cutting aspect to the flexible schedule and environment.

The democratization of Data Science

It’s the year 2020, and data science is more democratized than ever. This means any individual can do data science with little to no expertise, as long as the proper tools and a substantial amount of data are provided. As data drenched every part of the industry, possessing the skills of data scientists will be imperative, as it engenders a workforce that speaks the language of data.

With this in mind, by utilizing online courses, it is feasible for a complete beginner to start pursuing data science. All it takes is a properly structured learning curriculum, the right methodology to learning( Ultralearning ), motivation and passion to persevere and side hustles/projects.

How to learn data science on the internet?

The best MOOCs + correct learning methodology + passion + projects

So in this article, I will be covering the best MOOCs which are FREE and extremely valuable in your journey towards becoming data scientists.

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方兴东、刘伟 / 江苏凤凰文艺出版社 / 2015-1 / 45.00

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