Synchronous Messaging: We’re Live.

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:After anine month leadup,While we’ve made a number of internal and community-facing announcements about progress, access and so forth, we’ve deliberately run this as a quiet, cautious, low-key rollout, letting our communities find their way to chat.m.o and
Synchronous Messaging: We’re Live.

After anine month leadup, , our Matrix-based replacement for IRC, has been up running for about a month now.

While we’ve made a number of internal and community-facing announcements about progress, access and so forth, we’ve deliberately run this as a quiet, cautious, low-key rollout, letting our communities find their way to chat.m.o and Matrix organically while we sort out the bugs and rough edges of this new experience.

Last week we turned on federation, the last major step towards opening Mozilla to the wider Matrix ecosystem, and it’s gone really well. Which means that as of last week, Mozilla’s transition from IRC to Matrix is within arm’s reach of done.

The Matrix team have been fantastic partners throughout this process, open to feedback and responsive to concerns throughout.

It’s been a great working relationship, and as investments of effort go one that’s already paying off exactly the way want our efforts to pay off, with functional, polish and accessibility improvements that benefit the entire Matrix ecosystem coming from the feedback from the Mozilla community.

We still have work to do, but this far into the transition it sure feels like winning. The number of participants in our primary development channels has already exceeded their counterparts on IRC at their most active, and there’s no sign that’s slowing down. Many of our engineering and ops teams are idling or archiving their Slack channels and have moved entirely to Matrix, and that trend isn’t slowing down either.

As previously announced, we’re on schedule to turn off IRC.m.o at the end of the month, and don’t see a reason to reconsider that decision. So far, it looks like we’re pretty happy on the new system. It’s working well for us.

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N.C.琼斯 / 第1版 (2007年7月1日) / 2007-7 / 45.0

这是一本关于生物信息学算法和计算思想的导论性教科书,原著由国际上的权威学者撰写,经国内知名专家精心翻译为中文,系统介绍推动生物信息学不断进步的算法原理。全书强调的是算法中思想的运用,而不是对表面上并不相关的各类问题进行简单的堆砌。 体现了以下特色: 阐述生物学中的相关问题,涉及对问题的模型化处理并提供一种或多种解决方案: 简要介绍生物信息学领域领军人物; 饶有趣味的小插图使得概念更加具体和形象,方......一起来看看 《生物信息学算法导论》 这本书的介绍吧!





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