The Analog Computer Museum

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The following pages are the result ofmy efforts to preserve analog computers and information about analog computing in general from being scrapped and lost. These efforts started many years ago when I fell in love with the general idea of analog computing

The following pages are the result ofmy efforts to preserve analog computers and information about analog computing in general from being scrapped and lost. These efforts started many years ago when I fell in love with the general idea of analog computing being a teenager and reading the wonderful book "Analogrechnen" written by Prof. Giloi and Prof. Lauber .

Over the years analog computing became my passion and the more books and articles I read, the more machines the collection contained, the more I got hooked by this very special way of doing calculations.

I wrote two books about analog computing, one in German which was published in 2010 and one in English which is based on the German issue with some errors corrected and including a more thorough mathematical description of the various computing elements as well as containing more detailed programming examples. Both books were published by Oldenbourg and are available in bookstores or at amazon. A (German) review of the book "Analogrechner" can be found here .

The Analog Computer Museum

The museum currently offers the following sub areas which might be of interest:

The Analog Computer Museum Introduction : If you are a first time visitor you might want to read a little bit about analog computing in general. The Analog Computer Museum Library : Here you can find lots of articles and other printed material about analog computing for download.
The Analog Computer Museum Collection : Over the years I managed to save some wonderful machines from scrap - most of these are on display in this section. If you are interested in visiting the collection feel free to contact me to make an appointment. The Analog Computer Museum Examples : To get an impression of analog computers at work, have a look at this section.
The Analog Computer Museum Impressions : Here you can find a collection of various pictures of electronic analog computers. The Analog Computer Museum Homebrew : This collection of pages shows some homebrew devices which I developed over the years to extend my analog computing capabilities.
The Analog Computer Museum People : Here are some pages with pictures and stories from other persons who have been working with analog computers. The Analog Computer Museum Support : If you want to support the museum, please have a look here.
The Analog Computer Museum What's new? : Changes and extensions to the online museum can be found here in a chronological sequence. The Analog Computer Museum Impressum und Datenschutz

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以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《The Analog Computer Museum》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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