Spring For Apache Kafka 2.0 Milestone 1 发布

栏目: 服务器 · Apache · 发布时间: 6年前

内容简介:Spring For Apache Kafka 2.0 Milestone 1 发布

Spring for Apache Kafka 2.0 的首个里程碑版本发布了 — Spring For Apache Kafka 2.0.0.M1

Spring for Apache Kafka 用于为 Apache Kafka 提供熟悉的 Spring 抽象。

2.0 系列中的重要新功能包括:

  • KafkaTemplate 中支持时间戳

  • Seek to beginning/end of topics

  • New threading model facilitated by KIP-62 - now that the consumer client does not rely on  poll() being called frequently, the threading model is much simpler; avoiding the need for internal  pause()resume() processing. Listeners are now always invoked on the consumer thread. This, in turn, has facilitated:

  • ConsumerAwareMessageListener (and  BatchConsumerAwareMessageListener ) are provided so that listener implementations can access the  Consumer<?, ?> object to perform operations such as  pause()resume()metrics() etc.

  • @KafkaListener POJO methods can now be annotated with  @SendTo to send the method result to some other topic.

@KafkaListener(id = "replyingListener", topics = "inTopic")
public String replyingListener(String in) {
	return in.toUpperCase();

要了解更多信息,查看 Forwarding Listener Results using @SendTo发布主页


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[日] 技术评论社 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-3 / 39.00

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