10xer – Become a 10x programmer now!

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Today, I become a 10xer and I wanted to give back to the community. So I created this to help others become 10xers like me.Do you want your Github (and your future!) to look as green as this:


Today, I become a 10xer and I wanted to give back to the community. So I created this to help others become 10xers like me.

Do you want your Github (and your future!) to look as green as this:

10xer – Become a 10x programmer now!

Then look no more! Use my script (and my knowledge!) to find the inner 10x in you.

Instructions (for future 10xers)

I am not going to give the instructions for cloning because remember: If you can't think like a 10x, you can never be a 10x

Change the name and email credentials in main.go! These are hardcoded right now because 10x. BUT we should also allow non-10xers to atleast try. Inclusion, my friend!

$ go run main.go

This creates the most awesome project ever in a folder, you can now push that to Github for the monies and the cariyars.

Instructions (for the others)

Just run 10xer and see if it works out. Not everyone is capable, son.

If you believe in yourself, just do the 10x steps. It will work out.

But my fellow 10xer, this only commits the 10x code, not push it!

Well, most 10xers don't write complete code, they wait for other 10xers to send PRs. Get working!


  • Zero Error Checking (10xers generally don't have to deal with errors)
  • Avoiding using For Loops and instead good old LABELS!
  • Hard coded credentials (no config files!)
  • Single Responsbility Principle used exclusively

What can you work on?

  • Even though empty commits are along enough to 10x, files should be committed too!
  • Auto Push to Github
  • Dockerize this! (and then Kubernetes, not before, my friend!)


Because I am learning Go and it's April Fool's .

Inspired by RockStar

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






里德•霍夫曼、本•卡斯诺查、克里斯•叶 / 路蒙佳 / 中信出版社 / 2015-2-5 / 39.00元

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JS 压缩/解压工具

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RGB HEX 互转工具

