Jami: GNU end-to-end encrypted alternative to Zoom

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Jami is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users.Its main goal is to provide a communication framework and end-user applications to make audio or video calls, send text messages and make generic data transf

Jami is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users.

Its main goal is to provide a communication framework and end-user applications to make audio or video calls, send text messages and make generic data transfers. It makes this possible via multiple paradigms: a modern decentralized approach using a DHT to find peers or classical centralized SIP as a soft-phone. The domain of usage is not limited to physical users, it also includes integration with connected objects (IoT).

Available on all major platforms, this free software project is led by Savoir-faire Linux - a Canadian/Quebecois GNU/Linux consulting company - and is supported by the global community.

As a free software its sources are licensed under the GPLv3 .

Contributions, help and suggestions are very welcome!

Feel free to open tickets on ourGitlab, help us with the translation, documentation, packaging, code, tests, etc.

You can contact us:

End user notes

This wiki contains technical documentation and resources for anyone who wants to understand how Jami works or if you want to develop something with the platform. If you are a end-user, please refer to ourwebsite or theFAQ.

Also, if you prefer to build your binaries from source, please refer to thebuild instructions page.

Also, you can see features by client viathis page

Technical documentation

The technical documentation is mainly availablehere andhere

But this is the main parts:

  • OpenDHT , a DHT library to provide the basis of our distributed network
  • Nameserver, (optional) is our registration system based upon an Ethereum Blockchain, but anyone can implement theirs using the following informations:
  • The daemon in charge of the accounts management, SIP features, crypto, video, etc
  • The clients for all platform to interact with the daemon.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[日] 柴田望洋 / 管杰、罗勇、杜晓静 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-11-1 / 79.00元

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