A CSS tricky situation- the order of the CSS class names in the HTML tags

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Let's say we have the following set of rules in a CSS file:And the following tags in our HTML:The question is:

Let's say we have the following set of rules in a CSS file:

.red {
    color: red;

.blue {
    color: blue;

.green {
    color: green;

And the following tags in our HTML:

<div> First div.</div>
<div> Second div.</div>
<div> Third div.</div>

The question is: what color will we have for these divs? Stop for a few seconds and try to answer the question.

The correct answer: they’re all green.

The order of the class names in HTML tags has no importance on the styles. The lines class="red green blue" , class="blue red green" or class="green blue red" are the same thing.

All 3 selectors have the same specificity (just a simple class selector). And given that .green comes later in the stylesheet, it will override the .red and .blue selectors.

Therefore all the divs will have the color green.Cascading wins again.

By the way, this can make a great CSS interview question

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塞奇威克 / 机械工业出版社 / 2006-9 / 69.00元

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