Pydeps: A Useful Program

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

A few weeks ago, I was doing some refactoring of Friendly-traceback and had some minor difficulty in avoiding the creation of circular imports.  For some reason (age perhaps), I could not visualize the file structure properly.  Enter pydeps .  After I used it to generate a graph for all the files internal to Friendly-traceback, I was able to use that graph to figure out a better way to structure my program.

Today, as I stared at that graph, after including it in the newly styled documentation , I noticed that the "version" file I had created early on, was really redundant since its content (a single variable) could easily be incorporated in the Public API file.

Pydeps: A Useful Program

So, one less file to deal with!

I think I am going to use pydeps a lot more from now on when I want to try to understand the how projects are structured, as I do find this type of graph very useful.

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[俄]施利亚耶夫 / 周概容 / 高等教育出版社 / 2008-1 / 48.00元

《概率(第2卷)(修订和补充第3版)》是俄国著名数学家A.H.施利亚耶夫的力作。施利亚耶夫是现代概率论奠基人、前苏联科学院院士、著名数学家A.H.柯尔莫戈洛夫的学生,在概率统计界和金融数学界影响极大。《概率(第2卷)(修订和补充第3版)》作为莫斯科大学最为出色的概率教材之一。分为一、二两卷,并配有习题集。第二卷《概率(第2卷)(修订和补充第3版)》是离散时间随机过程(随机序列)的内容。重点讲述(强......一起来看看 《概率》 这本书的介绍吧!

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