GitHub is now free for teams

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

We’re happy to announce we’re making private repositories with unlimited collaborators available to all GitHub accounts. All of the core GitHub features are now free for everyone. :tada:

Until now, if your organization wanted to use GitHub for private development, you had to subscribe to one of our paid plans. But every developer on earth should have access to GitHub. Price shouldn’t be a barrier.

This means teams can now manage their work together in one place: CI/CD, project management, code review, packages, and more. We want everyone to be able to ship great software on the platform developers love.

Teams who need advanced features (like code owners), enterprise features (like SAML), or personalized support can upgrade to one of our paid plans.

We’re also reducing the price of our paid Team plan from $9 per user/month to $4 per user/month, effective immediately. Existing customers will have their bills automatically reduced going forward.

Learn more in the FAQ , or compare plans on our pricing page .

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刘欣 / 电子工业出版社 / 2018-6-1 / 69.00元

《码农翻身》用故事的方式讲解了软件编程的若干重要领域,侧重于基础性、原理性的知识。 《码农翻身》分为6章。第1章讲述计算机的基础知识;第2章侧重讲解Java的基础知识;第3章偏重Web后端编程;第4章讲解代码管理的本质;第5章讲述了JavaScript的历史、Node.js的原理、程序的链接、命令式和声明式编程的区别,以及作者十多年来使用各种编程语言的感受;第6章是作者的经验总结和心得体会,......一起来看看 《码农翻身》 这本书的介绍吧!

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