An endb adapter for using kubernetes's etcd as the storage engine

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This is a third-party adapter forThis allows us to use the etcd instance used by kubernetes itself to store our data.It creates a custom resource type called


This is a third-party adapter for endb to use kubernetes as a backing store.

This allows us to use the etcd instance used by kubernetes itself to store our data.

It creates a custom resource type called EtcdData , and all data is saved in objects of this type.


The default exported value is a function that initializes a store.

The function accepts an optional options object with the following fields:

  • kubeconfig : passed directly to k8s.KubeConfig.loadFromOptions
  • skipApplyingCRD : if true, the crd will be assumed to exist and be correct, and will not be applied on application start.

Kubernetes permission model

In kubernetes, by default the service account is not allowed to change anything.

We need to enable the following permissions using an RBAC role:

  1. PATCH ing CustomResourceDefinition.

    If you don't want to give your app this permission, you can create the crd directly by running kubectl apply -f crd.json with the crd.json provided in this project. Then, pass the option skipApplyingCRD: true in the options object

  2. Full access to the data type.

    This permission model allows you to create read-only and read-write roles by using kubernetes's built-in RBAC.

Usage example

const Endb = require('endb');
const k8s = require('endb-k8s');

(async () => {
	try {
		const endb = new Endb({ store: await k8s(), namespace: 'endb-test' });

		await endb.set('dor', 'test');
		await endb.set('hello', 'world');
		console.log(`Hello ${await endb.get('hello')}`);
		console.log(await endb.all());
		console.log(await endb.has('dor'));
		console.log(await endb.has('not dor'));
	} catch (e) {

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