
栏目: IOS · 发布时间: 6年前







NSTimer实现计时需要注意,他默认是在runloop中的 NSDefaultRunLoopMode 计时,在这个模式下面,有滑动事件,计时将失效,此时我们需要在将timer添加到runloop中的 NSRunLoopCommonModes ,这样就不会有任何影响

let animationTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(10, target: self, selector: #selector(WeeklyMissionViewController.runanimation), userInfo: nil, repeats: true) NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop().addTimer(animationTimer!, forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes) animationTimer!.fire()


GCD实现计时需要注意的是 let _timer: dispatch_source_t 必须存储为全局变量 timer = _timer

private func setGCDTimer(weeklyMission: MissionList, type: Int) {         // 计算倒计时         let nowDate =  NSDate()         let nowUnix = nowDate.timeIntervalSince1970          let count = (weeklyMission.createdAt)! + 24 * 3600 - Int(nowUnix)                 var _timeout: Int = count         let _queue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)         let _timer: dispatch_source_t = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, _queue)         timer = _timer         // 每秒执行         dispatch_source_set_timer(_timer, dispatch_walltime(nil, 0), 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0)          printLog("----_timer-----")         dispatch_source_set_event_handler(_timer) { () -> Void in              if _timeout <= 0 {                 // 倒计时结束                 dispatch_source_cancel(_timer)                 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { [unowned self] () -> Void in                     // 如需更新UI 代码请写在这里                     })             } else {                  print("cell:\(weeklyMission.mission)---\(_timeout)")                 _timeout -= 1                 let hours = _timeout / 3600                 let hoursSec = hours * 3600                 let minutes = (_timeout - hoursSec) / 60                 let seconds = _timeout - hoursSec - minutes * 60                  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {  [unowned self] in                     let timeText = "\(String(format: "%.2d",hours)):\(String(format: "%.2d",minutes)):\(String(format: "%.2d",seconds))"                     // 如需更新UI 代码请写在这里                     })             }         }         dispatch_resume(_timer)     }


// //  TimeCountDownManager.swift //  leapParent // //  Created by romance on 16/9/19. //  Copyright © 2016年 Firstleap. All rights reserved. //  import UIKit  /// 计时中回调 typealias TimeCountingDownTaskBlock = (timeInterval: NSTimeInterval) -> Void // 计时结束后回调 typealias TimeFinishedBlock = (timeInterval: NSTimeInterval) -> Void private var shareInstance = TimeCountDownManager()  final class TimeCountDownManager: NSObject {     // 单利     class var sharedInstance : TimeCountDownManager {         return shareInstance     }      var pool: NSOperationQueue      override init() {         pool = NSOperationQueue()         super.init()     }      /**      *  开始倒计时,如果倒计时管理器里具有相同的key,则直接开始回调。      *      *  @param Key         任务key,用于标示唯一性      *  @param timeInterval 倒计时总时间,      *  @param countingDown 倒计时时,会多次回调,提供当前秒数      *  @param finished     倒计时结束时调用,提供当前秒数,值恒为 0      */     func scheduledCountDownWith(key: String, timeInteval: NSTimeInterval, countingDown:TimeCountingDownTaskBlock?,finished:TimeCountingDownTaskBlock?) {          var task: TimeCountDownTask?         if coundownTaskExistWith(key, task: &task) {             task?.countingDownBlcok = countingDown             task?.finishedBlcok = finished             if countingDown != nil {                 countingDown!(timeInterval: (task?.leftTimeInterval) ?? 60)             }         } else {             task = TimeCountDownTask()             task?.leftTimeInterval = timeInteval             task?.countingDownBlcok = countingDown             task?.finishedBlcok = finished             task?.name = key              pool.addOperation(task!)         }     }      /**      *  查询倒计时任务是否存在      *      *  @param akey 任务key      *  @param task 任务      *  @return YES - 存在, NO - 不存在      */     func coundownTaskExistWith(key: String,inout task: TimeCountDownTask? ) -> Bool {         var taskExits = false          for (_, obj)  in pool.operations.enumerate() {             let temptask = obj as! TimeCountDownTask             if == key {                 task = temptask                 taskExits = true //                print("coundownTaskExistWith#####\(temptask.leftTimeInterval)")                 break             }         }         return taskExits     }      /**      *  取消所有倒计时任务      */     func cancelAllTask() {         pool.cancelAllOperations()     }      /**      *  挂起所有倒计时任务      */     private func suspendAllTask() {         pool.suspended = true     } }   final class TimeCountDownTask: NSOperation {     var leftTimeInterval: NSTimeInterval = 0     var countingDownBlcok: TimeCountingDownTaskBlock?     var finishedBlcok: TimeFinishedBlock?      override func main() {          if self.cancelled {             return         }                 while leftTimeInterval > 0 {             print("leftTimeInterval----\(leftTimeInterval)")              if self.cancelled {                 return             }             leftTimeInterval -= 1             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {                 if self.countingDownBlcok != nil {                     self.countingDownBlcok!(timeInterval: self.leftTimeInterval)                 }             })             NSThread.sleepForTimeInterval(1)         }          dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {             if self.cancelled {                 return             }             if self.finishedBlcok != nil {                 self.finishedBlcok!(timeInterval: 0)             }         }     } }

稍微解析下以上代码, TimeCountDownManager 是定时器管理类,是个单利,可以管理app中所有需要倒计时的task, TimeCountDownTask 是具体的用来处理倒计时的NSOperation子类,大家还可以在我的基础上进行完善,比如cancel具体taskIdentifier的task,suspended具体的task,等等!


以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




ANSI Common Lisp

ANSI Common Lisp

Paul Graham / Prentice Hall / 1995-11-12 / USD 116.40

For use as a core text supplement in any course covering common LISP such as Artificial Intelligence or Concepts of Programming Languages. Teaching students new and more powerful ways of thinking abo......一起来看看 《ANSI Common Lisp》 这本书的介绍吧!

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