Tiny Websites Are Great

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:May 18th 2020One of the earliest websites I created was a phishing website to steal World of Warcraft usernames and passwords. Although not the most noble pursuit for a first website, I felt like a pretty cool 12 year old when I managed to successfully nab

Tiny websites are great

May 18th 2020

One of the earliest websites I created was a phishing website to steal World of Warcraft usernames and passwords. Although not the most noble pursuit for a first website, I felt like a pretty cool 12 year old when I managed to successfully nab my friend's login details, and then proceed to send him a screenshot of his character waving back at him. It was fun.

Like many, coding websites started out as a hobby, and after many years plus a CS degree has become a way I can make some income. It's pretty great on the whole.

Things have really changed since I began learning, and rightly so. Instead of coding in plain HTML, CSS and JS, I'm now using endless frameworks, modules and libraries to build increasingly more complex web and mobile applications. It's great, if I didn't use these tools my code would be an unmaintainable mess.

But, its also not great.

During my time using frameworks I've become more and more out of touch with the code I'm writing. For example, when I plonk down a button in the Ionic Framework I get a beautifully engineered and designed button, but it also has 10 CSS classes attached to it that I don't really understand. I sometimes feel like the thing I've created isn't truly "mine".

I therefore decided to go back to the basics and code my own tiny website. I already knew how to go about it, you probably do too, it's really easy (if you don't knowhere's how). However, I'd never actually done it, and I'd not made a website without a framework in over a decade.

Boy, did it feel refreshing to not use a framework.

The result is a stripped-back, ultrafast website like the one you see here. Every part of the website is mine. I can tweak & tune it however I want. Pushing out content is easy because I'm not distracted by styling or how it looks on different devices - I just don't really care and it's liberating. It's also just incredibly fun to build.

I have 3 rules for a tiny website:

  1. No libraries or frameworks (the exception being analytics)
  2. As few CSS tweaks as possible
  3. It must be fun to build

This is not groundbreaking stuff, but I urge you to try and make one yourself. Use it to write, experiment, journal, blog, or whatever floats your boat. It's your little corner of the internet to do as you please with.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Tiny Websites Are Great》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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1859年8月,没什么名气的32岁数学家黎曼向柏林科学院提交了一篇论文,题为“论小于一个给定值的素数的个数”。在这篇论文的中间部分,黎曼作了一个附带的备注——一个猜测,一个假设。他向那天被召集来审查论文的数学家们抛出的这个问题,结果在随后的年代里给无数的学者产生了近乎残酷的压力。时至今日,在经历了150年的认真研究和极力探索后,这个问题仍然悬而未决。这个假设成立还是不成立? 已经越来越清楚,......一起来看看 《素数之恋》 这本书的介绍吧!

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