Watch out if composer update keeps replacing a dependency

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:Recently, while working on the codebase for this very site, I tried running"No worries," I thought, "I useWell, no. You see, the problem is Drupal 8.9.x changed from an abandoned package,

Recently, while working on the codebase for this very site, I tried running composer update to upgrade from Drupal 8.8.4 to 8.8.5. Apparently I did this at just the wrong time, as there was an issue with Drupal's dependencies in 8.9.x-dev which caused it to be selected as the upgrade candidate, and the default drupal/core-recommended Composer setting was to allow dev stability, so my site got updated to 8.9.x-dev, which was a bit of a surprise.

"No worries," I thought, "I use git , so I'm protected!" A git reset later, then change my composer.json to use "minimum-stability": "stable" , and all is well with the world, right?

Well, no. You see, the problem is Drupal 8.9.x changed from an abandoned package, zendframework/zend-diactoros , to a new package, laminas/laminas-diactoros , that replaces the abandoned package.

When Composer ran the 8.9.x upgrade, it deleted the zendframework/zend-diactoros library from my local vendor folder, and replaced it with laminas/laminas-diactoros . And thus, a frustrating cycle was initiated.

The next time I tried doing a composer update , Drupal core was upgraded to 8.8.5... but I noticed my composer.lock file switched, again, to laminas/laminas-diactoros . And this is bad, because when I deployed this update to my test environment, the environment exploded, with the message:

In DiactorosFactory.php line 37:
  Zend Diactoros must be installed to use the DiactorosFactory. 

Drush wouldn't work. Drupal wouldn't load pages. I couldn't clear caches (drush, Drupal, or anything).

So then I reverted the composer.lock file changes to the previous commit (with Drupal 8.8.4), and pushed the update to my test server. After running composer install --no-dev , I got the exact same error ! How is this possible? The composer.lock file doesn't even list the laminas/laminas-diactoros dependency, and yet, if I check the vendor folder, it's in there—and zendframework/zend-diactoros is not !

Well, I asked about this in the Drupal Slack #composer channel, and a few kind folks like alexpott, greg.1.anderson, and longwave mentioned that Composer doesn't actually use the composer.lock file as the source of truth if you already have dependencies present in the vendor directory .

This revelation blew my mind! I know in the past there has been a time or two when I've blown away the vendor directory because I accidentally messed things up badly. But those were my fault. In this case, I thought composer would use what's in the lock file as the source of truth when installing dependencies, but that is not the case. If there's anything in the vendor directory that says it replaces a package that's in composer.lock , then the package in composer.lock will not be installed.

So the solution? Delete the vendor directory entirely. Then run composer update . To help prevent these kinds of issues in the future, I think my future local environment workflow will be to do an entire git clean of my local repo from time to time (certainly before running any composer operations) to make sure nothing's in the vendor directory that can influence what composer does.

Apparently this behavior will be corrected in Composer 2.0 (though I couldn't find the issue/PR that fixes the issue explicitly to verify). Hopefully it will bring a little more sanity to my life!

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Watch out if composer update keeps replacing a dependency》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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