Bespoke software, and a simple RSS aggregator

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:This week I built myself an RSSaggregator. There are a couple of websites that are written by friends, or are of high enough quality that I want to read everything published on them, not just the things that are popular enough make their way to me via Hack

This week I built myself an RSSaggregator. There are a couple of websites that are written by friends, or are of high enough quality that I want to read everything published on them, not just the things that are popular enough make their way to me via Hacker News or similar.

I had fun building it, and I think its design is interesting, so let’s take a look at how it works. I’ll also use it as an example to talk about the sort of bespoke software that I’ve really been enjoying writing recently.

How the RSS aggregator works

Bespoke software, and a simple RSS aggregator

This is what it looks like. It’s a webpage, hosted, which contains links to the last 30 days worth of posts from each of the blogs I subscribe to.

The website and the code which generates it are stored in a single GitHub repo , and it works by gluing together a couple of GitHub features.

Generating the web page

I wrote a simple Go script , which stores a list of RSS feeds I subscribe to. When the script is run, it:


Serving the webpage

Github Pages is enabled for the repo. It serves the contents of the docs directory (which just contains the index.html file) on my custom

Updating the webpage

I created a GitHub Action which:


This action is triggered by a cron, and runs every hour. When the updated index.html is pushed to the repo, GitHub Pages automatically updates the website.

Bespoke software

Historically, I would have built this as a CLI tool, so other people could use it to generate their own RSS aggregators. This adds a number of things I’d need to think about. For example I’d need to:

  • Define a way to let people specify feeds to pull posts from. This would probably be a config file with a pre-defined syntax, which we’d need to read and parse.
  • Let the user specify the name of the file to output HTML to in case they don’t want to use GitHub Pages.
  • Let users specify their own CSS, rather than hard coding it into the HTML template.
  • Store the code which generates the RSS aggregator to be in a separate repo from the repo which stores and serves my RSS aggregator, so users can clone or fork it without getting things specific to my aggregator.
  • Update the script to read multiple feeds concurrently, so it remains fast for users who subscribe to large numbers of feeds.

None of these are particularly difficult to add, but each adds to the total complexity of the project. In my day job as a software engineer, I write a lot of code which is ‘used’ by other people - sometimes directly, but also indirectly when they read it, make changes to it and keep it running in production. Writing code that other people use requires extra work. Sometimes it’s nice to step back from it and write code that’s just for yourself.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Bespoke software, and a simple RSS aggregator》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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