Generate a Go REST API from a PostgreSQL database with pagination, sorting, filtering, and auth

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

Generate a Go REST API from a PostgreSQL database with pagination, sorting, filtering, and auth


Code generation powered by your database.

  • Generate standardized REST APIs with:
    • GET (one, many), POST, DELETE, PUT endpoints
    • Filtering using a SQL-like DSL
    • Pagination, sorting
    • JWT-based authentication
  • Write your own templates to generate database-driven code for any language
  • MIT license

This software is in ALPHA development.


Generating a Go API

In your project root folder create a dbcore.yml :

project: $project-name
  dialect: postgres

  # Omit if localhost
  host: $host-or-ip

  # Omit if 5432
  port: $port

  database: $database-name
  username: $username
  password: $password

  template: go
  outDir: go

  # e.g. "v1/", for URLs
  routerPrefix: router-prefix

    enabled: true
    table: users
    # Column for username field
    username: username
    # Column for password field, bcrypt hash is stored
    password: password

    repo: $your-repo

The dbcore.yml file controls code generation. You'll also need an app.yml file for runtime behavior:

  dialect: postgres
  dsn: postgres://$username:$password@$host/$database?sslmode=disable

address: :9090

  duration: 2hr
  secret: my-secret-signing-key

Clone the repo and run dotnet run $path-to-your-project within the repo root.

Then go to your project directory and run go run cmd/main.go to start the server.

API Specification


When authentication is enabled, make a JSON POST request with {"username": "$your-username", "password": "$your-password"} to /$version/session/start to generate a token. It is valid for 2 hours by default.

Passwords are stored as BCrypt hashes.

You can store this token in the au cookie or you can submit it as bearer token by setting the Authorization header to BEARER $your-token .


$ curl -X POST -d '{"username": "alex", "password": "alex"}' localhost:9090/v1/session/start

Get many rows from a table

Make a GET request to /$version/$table .

Query parameters

Parameter Definition Example
limit Number of rows to return limit=25
offset Number of rows to skip offset=0
sortColumn Column to sort on sortColumn=id
sortOrder Order to sort (one of asc or desc ) sortOrder=desc
filter SQL where filter to eliminate results filter=id>3


$ curl 'localhost:9090/v1/users?limit=25&offset=0&sortColumn=id&sortOrder=desc&filter=id=1'
  "total": 1,
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "username": "alex",
      "password": "<REDACTED>",
      "name": "Alex"

Create a new row

Make a POST request to /$version/$table/new .


$ curl -X POST -d '{"username": "alex", "password": "alex", "name": "Alex"}' localhost:9090/v1/users/new

Get a row

Make a GET request to /$version/$table/$id .

This endpoint is only available if the table has a primary key.


$ curl localhost:9090/v1/users/1

Update a row

Make a PUT request to /$version/$table/$id .

This endpoint is only available if the table has a primary key.


$ curl -X PUT -d '{"id": 1, "username": "alex", "password": "alex", "name": "Alex K"}' localhost:9090/v1/users/1
{"id":1,"username":"alex","password":"<REDACTED>","name":"Alex K"}

Delete a row

Make a DELETE request to /$version/$table/$id .

This endpoint is only available if the table has a primary key.


$ curl -X DELETE localhost:9090/v1/users/1

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Generate a Go REST API from a PostgreSQL database with pagination, sorting, filtering, and auth》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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