Adaptive Radix Tree library for Zig

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:This library provides a zig implementation of the Adaptive Radix Tree or ART. The ART operates similar to a traditional radix tree but avoids the wasted space of internal nodes by changing the node size. It makes use of 4 node sizes (4, 16, 48, 256), and c


This library provides a zig implementation of the Adaptive Radix Tree or ART. The ART operates similar to a traditional radix tree but avoids the wasted space of internal nodes by changing the node size. It makes use of 4 node sizes (4, 16, 48, 256), and can guarantee that the overhead is no more than 52 bytes per key, though in practice it is much lower. As a radix tree, it provides the following:

  • O(k) operations. In many cases, this can be faster than a hash table since the hash function is an O(k) operation, and hash tables have very poor cache locality.
  • Minimum / Maximum value lookups
  • Prefix compression
  • Ordered iteration
  • Prefix based iteration

NOTE: this section copied from armon/libart


See src/test_art.zig

Important Notes

This library accepts zig string slices ( []const u8 ) and requires they are null terminated AND their length must be incremented by 1 prior to being submitted to insert() , delete() and search() . This is demonstrated thoroughly in src/test_art.zig . As an example the key "A" would need to be converted to "A\x00".

This is a consequence of porting from c to zig. Zig's safe build modes (debug and release-safe) do runtime bounds checks on slices. Art insert(), search(), and delete() methods assert their key parameters are null terminated and length incremented ( key[key.len-1] == 0 ). This ensures that the bounds checks pass.

iterPrefix() on the other hand expects NON null terminated slices. It searches the tree for keys which start with its prefix parameter. A null character at the end of a prefix would prevent matches.


# creates zig-cache/lib/liblibart.a
# debug
$ zig build 

# release
$ zig build -Drelease-safe # or release-fast or release-small


$ zig build test

Run repl

$ zig run src/art.zig -lc


The repl is very simple and responds to these commands:

  • :q - quit
  • key - adds 'key' with value = tree.size
  • key number - adds key with value = parse(number)
  • d:key - deletes key
  • :r - reset (destroy and then init) the tree

A representation of the tree will be printed after each operation.


The benchark consists of inserting, searching for and deleting each line from testdata/words.txt (235886 lines).

vs StringHashMap

(from zig's standard library) can be found here src/test_art.zig .

The results of the benchark on my machine:

StringHashMap: insert 599ms, search 573ms, delete 570ms, combined 1742ms
Art            insert 870ms, search 638ms, delete 702ms, combined 2212ms
Operation % difference
insert 45% slower
search 11% slower
delete 23% slower
combined 26% slower

vs armon/libart

art.zig: insert 629ms, search 505ms, delete 530ms, combined 1665ms
art.c:   insert 501ms, search 486ms, delete 491ms, combined 1479ms
Operation % difference
insert 25% slower
search 3% slower
delete 7% slower
combined 12% slower


以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Adaptive Radix Tree library for Zig》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






谭浩强 / 清华大学 / 2000-9-1 / 19.50元

《C程序设计题解与上机指导(第2版)》是和谭浩强编著的《C程序设计》(第二版)(清华大学出版社1999年出版)配合使用的参考书,内容包括:(1)《程序设计》(第二版)一书的习题和参考解答,包括了该书各章的全部习题,共约150题,对全部编程题都给出了参考解答;(2)上机指南,详细介绍了在当前广泛使用的Turbo C集成环境下编辑、编译、调试和运行程序的方法,并简要介绍了Borland C++的使用方......一起来看看 《C程序设计题解与上机指导》 这本书的介绍吧!

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