AWS CodeArtifact: A fully managed software artifact repository service

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

AWS CodeArtifact works with commonly used package managers and build tools such as Maven and Gradle (Java), npm and yarn (JavaScript), pip and twine (Python), making it easy to integrate CodeArtifact into your existing development workflows. CodeArtifact can be configured to automatically fetch software packages from public artifact repositories such as npm public registry, Maven Central, and Python Package Index (PyPI), ensuring teams have reliable access to the most up-to-date packages.

IT leaders can use AWS CodeArtifact to create centralized repositories for sharing software packages approved for use across their development teams. CodeArtifact’s integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) provides them with the ability to control who has access to the packages. Further, CodeArtifact’s support for AWS CloudTrail gives leaders visibility into which packages are in use and where, making it easy to identify packages that need to be updated or removed. CodeArtifact also supports encryption with AWS Key Management Service so customers can control the keys used to encrypt their packages.

To learn more about AWS CodeArtifact check out theblog, visit the CodeArtifactproduct page or refer to CodeArtifactdocumentation.

You can see a full list of AWS Regions where AWS CodeArtifact is availablehere. 

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