Mozilla Common Voice Dataset – 7200 hrs, 54 languages

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:We are halfway through 2020, and already it’s been an exciting year for Common Voice! Thanks to the enthusiasm and incredible engagement from our Common Voice communities, we areNot only is Common Voice growing, it’s continuing to diversify. This release i

More data, more languages, and introducing our first target segment!

We are halfway through 2020, and already it’s been an exciting year for Common Voice! Thanks to the enthusiasm and incredible engagement from our Common Voice communities, we are releasing an updated dataset with 7,226 total hours of contributed voice data. 5,591 of these hours have been confirmed valid by our diligent contributors. Dataset fun fact: this release comprises over 5.5million clips*!

Not only is Common Voice growing, it’s continuing to diversify. This release includes voice recordings in 54 languages , 14 of these languages** are new to the platform and dataset. The platform is seeing more languages with over 5,000 unique speakers*** and an increase in languages with over 500 recorded hours****. With contributions from all over the globe, you are helping us follow through on our goal to create a voice dataset that is publicly available to anyone and represents the world we live in.

We are also proud to announce the release of our first ever dataset target segment! In May, Common Voice started collecting voice data for a specific purpose or use case. Now, we’re releasing the single word target segment which includes the digits zero through nine , as well as the words yes , no , hey and Firefox . The released target segment is 120 total recorded hours , with 64 valid hours , across 18 languages . It was created in one month by over 11,000 unique contributor voices! This segment data will help Mozilla benchmark the accuracy of our open source voice recognition engine, Deep Speech , in multiple languages for a similar task and will enable more detailed feedback on how to continue improving the dataset.

From the whole Voice team at Mozilla: Thank you for your ongoing contributions, your support and your enthusiasm! Going into the second half of 2020, we look forward to continuing our mission to build a better, more open, internet.


Megan + the Common Voice team

*Average clip duration is 4.7 seconds.

**14 new languages included with this release: Upper Sorbian, Romanian, Frisian, Czech, Greek, Romansh Vallader, Polish, Assamese, Ukranian, Maltese, Georgian, Punjabi, Odia, and Vietnamese.

***Languages with over 5,000 unique speakers: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish

****Languages with over 500 recorded hours: English, German, French, Kabyle, Catalan, Spanish, Kinyarwandan

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






(美)Jiawei Han、(加)Micheline Kamber、(加)Jian Pei / 范明、孟小峰 / 机械工业出版社 / 2012-8 / 79.00元

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