A comprehensive ML Metadata walkthrough for Tensorflow Extended

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

Accessing Data

There’s a tremendous amount of information available, just for a simple 3-step pipeline that runs locally. This pipeline can run in the cloud on a Dataflow runner, for example, with minimum changes in configuration.

In this scenario, it’s much easier to use data that’s stored in the database, instead of browsing cloud storage buckets and VMs on a server farm.

From this point on, you can connect to a ML Metadata store either from a direct SQL connection, or by gRPC (via stub or plain old calls). Then, it’s a matter of selecting the kinds of data you want to inspect manually. This could be the schema or the statistics protobuf, for example.

Typically, you only need to access the resource identifiers of the resources. You should be able to access them via only the URI if you’re in the same environment (ex. a notebook inside a GCP Project VM).

Example Use Case

Assume that you’ve got a pipeline running in some interval (or event-based triggering) and, sometimes, you want to view the data statistics of the latest pipeline run in comparison to the previous run.

  • You need the StatisticsGen/statistics artifacts of 2 different pipeline runs (these are the ExampleStatistics type, with type_id 8). These can be found on the Artifact table.
  • You also need access to the artifact from the correct pipeline runs. The Attribution table associates context_id with artifact_id . The only thing missing is to pinpoint the 2 context_id s you need in order to make a simple select query.
  • The Context table also contains timestamp information. For example, the row Pipeline .2020–07–14T23:45:00.508181.StatisticsGen has got a context_id 5.

Context Id 5, corresponds to Artifact Id 3 from the Attribution table. Artifact Id 3 is indeed the Statistics artifact we need.

Fortunately, kubeflow pipelines already do this visualisation automatically

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以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《A comprehensive ML Metadata walkthrough for Tensorflow Extended》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






黄哲铿 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-6 / 49.00元

《技术管理之巅——如何从零打造高质效互联网技术团队?》为您解密国内顶级互联网公司技术团队管理的精髓。作者结合自己十余年在国内知名互联网公司MySteel、1号店等担任PMO总监、技术总监的丰富经验,进行归纳和总结。书中围绕着技术管理中的热点“如何搭建扁平化、去中心化的技术团队”、“大数据下的技术管理创新”、“目标管理方法OKR”、“阿米巴生产模式”、“Scrum和Kanban的实践”逐渐展开,从技......一起来看看 《技术管理之巅》 这本书的介绍吧!


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