PostgreSQL EXPLAIN glossary

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:This tells us that Postgres would do aWe have documented many of the operations and field definitions you’re likely to come across while using EXPLAIN, along with performance advice and links to further learning resources.For advice in the context of your

EXPLAIN is the command used to request the execution plan for a query. It is incredibly useful when you want to explore what is going on, and see if there could be a more efficient way.

PostgreSQL does an amazing job populating query plans with useful information, but reading and understanding them can be tricky.

Here is a simple example:

explain select * from t order by c;

Query plan
 Sort  (cost=813.32..837.48 rows=9664 width=32)
   Sort Key: c
   ->  Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..173.64 rows=9664 width=32)

This tells us that Postgres would do a sequential scan of our table “t”, then a sort by column “c”. The numbers tell us the startup cost , the total cost , the plan rows , and the plan width at each stage.

We have documented many of the operations and field definitions you’re likely to come across while using EXPLAIN, along with performance advice and links to further learning resources.

For advice in the context of your query plans, check out our product pgMustard .

Last updated: June 2020, PostgreSQL 12

Issue reports and suggestions are welcome, please get in touch .

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许卓群、杨冬青、唐世渭、张铭 / 高等教育出版社 / 2004-1 / 29.50元

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