PlayCanvas launches glTF 2.0 Viewer Tool

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:Today, the PlayCanvas team is excited to announce the release of a brand new browser-based glTF viewer application.Try it now:Or click these links to preload some classic glTF models:Boom Box,Damaged Helmet andFox.

Today, the PlayCanvas team is excited to announce the release of a brand new browser-based glTF viewer application.

PlayCanvas launches glTF 2.0 Viewer Tool

Try it now:

Or click these links to preload some classic glTF models:Boom Box,Damaged Helmet andFox.

The viewer is open sourced under an MIT license and the code can be found on GitHub.

Fork it now:

The viewer allows you to drag-and-drop any glTF 2.0 file and inspect it in detail. We challenge you to find one that doesn’t work! The viewer has the following features:

  • Visualize wireframe, skeleton, bounds and normals
  • Adjust scene lighting and skybox
  • Drag and drop equirectagular images (including HDR files) or six cubemap face images.
  • See how a model performs on both the CPU and GPU via the viewer’s real-time metrics panel
  • Play animations (including skinned and morphed meshes) – unlimited morph targets are supported
  • Visualize animation curves in real-time as graphs in the 3D view
  • Load models via drag-and-drop or by passing a URL query parameter
  • Support for Draco mesh compression

The release of the PlayCanvas Viewer coincides with the engine reaching 100% glTF 2.0 spec compliance ! PlayCanvas passes every single core test in cx20’s glTF Test suite . We are now turning our attention to supporting the full range of glTF 2.0 extensions. The engine already supports:

  • KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness
  • KHR_materials_unlit

The engine itself can parse and render glTF 2.0 files incredibly quickly. You can expect glTF parse time to be approximately one tenth of that loading the equivalent JSON model.

Give it a try today – you’ll be impressed!

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