
栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前 · 30

一个享受编程的 程序员 为什么会有转管理的念头?更何况技术精进的好,不愁找工作,不愁加薪,还受领导重用,同事尊重,名利双收。我想通过亲身经历,说说转型管理的心路历程。转型管理,这个念头...



Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age

Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age

Routledge / 2018-2-13 / GBP 115.00

This book examines information and public opinion control by the authoritarian state in response to popular access to information and upgraded political communication channels among the citizens in co......一起来看看 《Chinese Authoritarianism in the Information Age》 这本书的介绍吧!

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