Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.22-22 发布

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.22-22 已于 5 月 31 日发布,基于 MySQL 5.7.22,包含其中所有的 bug 修复,Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.22-22 是目前 5.7 系列的最新稳定版本。更新如下: New Features: A ...

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.22-22 已于 5 月 31 日发布,基于 MySQL 5.7.22,包含其中所有的 bug 修复,Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.22-22 是目前 5.7 系列的最新稳定版本。更新如下:

New Features:

  • A new --encrypt-tmp-files option turns on encryption for the temporary files which Percona Server may create on disk for filesort, binary log transactional caches and Group Replication caches.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Executing the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS expression could cause “data drift” on global status variables in case of a query rollback: the variable, being by its nature a counter and allowing only an increase, could return to its previous value. Bug fixed #3951 (upstream #90351).

  • NUMA support was improved in Percona Server, reverting upstream implementation back to the original one,due to upstream variant being less effective in memory allocation. Now  innodb_numa_interleave variable not only enables NUMA interleave memory policy for the InnoDB buffer pool allocation, but forces NUMA interleaved allocation at the buffer pool initialization time. Bug fixed #3967.

  • audit_log_include_accounts variable did not take effect if placed in my.cnf configuration file, while still working as intended if set dynamically. Bug fixed #3867.

  • key_block_size value was set automatically by the Improved MEMORY Storage Engine, which resulted in warnings when changing the engine type to InnoDB, and constantly growing key_block_size during alter operations. Bugs fixed #3936#3940, and #3943.

  • Fixes were introduced to remove GCC 8 compilation warnings for the Percona Server build. Bug fixed #3950.

  • An InnoDB Memcached Plugin code clean-up was backported from MySQL 8.0. Bug fixed  #4506.

  • Percona Server could not be built with -DWITH_LZ4=system option on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) because of too old LZ4 packages. Bug fixed #3842.

  • A regression brought during TokuDB code clean-up in 5.7.21-21 was causing assertion in cases when the FT layer returns an error during an alter table operation. Bug fixed #4294.

MyRocks Changes and fixes:

  • UPDATE statements were returning incorrect results because of not making a full table scan on tables with unique secondary index. Bug fixed #4495 (upstream facebook/mysql-5.6#830).

Other Bugs Fixed:

  • #4451 “Implement better compression algo testing”

  • #4469 “variable use out of scope bug in get_last_key test detected by ASAN in clang 6”

  • #4470 “the cachetable-simple-pin-nonblocking-cheap test occasionally fails due to a locking conflict with the cachetable evictor”

  • #4488 “-Werror is always disabled for innodb_memcached”

  • #1114 “Assertion `inited == INDEX’ failed”

  • #1130 “RBR Replication with concurrent XA in READ-COMMITTED takes supremum pseudo-records and breaks replication”



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[英]伊莲·摩根 / 刘筠 / 上海译文出版社 / 2007-8 / 19.00元

《圣经》上说,上帝先创造了男人。女人,不过是他身上的一条肋骨。 以男性为中心的生物学家,则用人类起源于丛林并进化为以狩猎为生的肉食动物的学说,来证明女性无论在体力和智力上,都处于从属的地位。 对此,本书首次为女性在人类进化史中的平等地位据理力争。它开一代风气之先,力图解开人类,特 别是女性的演化和起源之谜;而它提供的答案,则从女性的角度对人类的史前史做出了推测性的重构,极富革命性和破坏......一起来看看 《女人的起源》 这本书的介绍吧!

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