Lettuce 5.0.5 和 4.4.6 发布,线程安全的 Redis 客户端

栏目: 数据库 · Redis · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:Lettuce 5.0.5 和 4.4.6 发布了,Lettuce 是一个可伸缩线程安全的Redis客户端。多个线程可以共享同一个 RedisConnection。它利用优秀 nettyNIO 框架来高效地管理多个连接。5.0.5 更新如下:下载地址:

Lettuce 5.0.5 和 4.4.6 发布了,Lettuce 是一个可伸缩线程安全的 Redis 客户端。多个线程可以共享同一个 RedisConnection。它利用优秀 nettyNIO 框架来高效地管理多个连接。

5.0.5 更新如下:


  • ZSCAN match pattern encoding issue #792 (Thanks to  @silvertype )

  • FutureSyncInvocationHandler the statement "command.get ()" in the handlerInvocation method is unnecessary #809 (Thanks to  @zhangweidavid )


  • MULTI is dispatched to slave nodes using SLAVE readFrom #779 (Thanks to  @Yipei )

  • Javadoc mentions Delay.exponential() is capped at 30 milliseconds #799 (Thanks to  @phxql )

  • Read From Slaves is not working #804 (Thanks to  @EXPEbdodla )

  • GEORADIUS WITHCOORD returns wrong coordinate on multiple results #805 (Thanks to  @dittos )

  • smembers returns elements in non-deterministic order #823 (Thanks to  @alezandr )

  • StackOverflowError on ScanStream.scan(…).subscribe() #824

  • Improve Javadoc of QUIT method #781


  • Upgrade to AssertJ 3.10.0 #794


4.4.6 更新如下:


  • MULTI is dispatched to slave nodes using SLAVE readFrom #779 (Thanks to  @Yipei )

  • ZSCAN match pattern encoding issue #792 (Thanks to  @silvertype )

  • Javadoc mentions Delay.exponential() is capped at 30 milliseconds #799 (Thanks to  @phxql )

  • GEORADIUS WITHCOORD returns wrong coordinate on multiple results #805 (Thanks to  @dittos )

  • FutureSyncInvocationHandler the statement "command.get ()" in the handlerInvocation method is unnecessary #809 (Thanks to  @zhangweidavid )

  • smembers returns elements in non-deterministic order #823 (Thanks to  @alezandr )


  • Upgrade to AssertJ 3.10.0 #794


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