RabbitMQ 3.7.9 发布,Erlang 的 AMQP 开源实现

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:RabbitMQ 3.7.9 已发布,这是一个维护版本,主要聚焦于修复 bug 和可用性改进。 兼容性说明 此版本与早期的 3.7.x 没有已知的不兼容性。 升级至 Erlang 21.0 升级该版本会同时将 Erlang 更新至 21.0 版本。 具体更...

RabbitMQ 3.7.9 已发布,这是一个维护版本,主要聚焦于修复 bug 和可用性改进。


此版本与早期的 3.7.x 没有已知的不兼容性。

升级至 Erlang 21.0

升级该版本会同时将  Erlang 更新至 21.0 版本。


Core Server

Bug Fixes


CLI Tools

Bug Fixes

  • rabbitmqctl list_* commands did not include table column headers.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cli#264

  • If RABBITMQ_NODENAME is configured, CLI tools will use its hostname part when generating its own
    Erlang node name.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-cli#270

  • On Windows CLI tool batch scripts exited with a 0 exit code when it failed to connect to the node.

    Contributed by Artem Zinenko.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#1735.


Management and Management Agent Plugins

Bug Fixes


  • It is now possible to configure both HTTPS and HTTP listeners using new syntax that's consistent with
    Web STOMP and Web MQTT plugins:

    management.tcp.port = 15672
    management.ssl.port = 15671
    management.ssl.cacertfile = /path/to/cacert.pem
    management.ssl.certfile = /path/to/cert.pem
    management.ssl.keyfile = /path/to/key.pem

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management#563

  • GET /api/nodes/{node} endpoint aggregated data for other cluster nodes only to discard it later.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management#615

  • When Handle.exe is used and returns no file handle information in its output, a warning will be logged.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management-agent#67

LDAP Plugin


Web STOMP Plugin


Web MQTT Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • WebSocket PING frames are now ignored instead of being propagated to MQTT frame handler.

GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-web-mqtt#32


  • Advanced WebSocket options now can be configured. Compression is enabled by default.
    Compression won't be used with clients that do not support it.

    GitHub issues: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-web-mqtt#34

AWS Peer Discovery Plugin

Bug Fixes

Consul Peer Discovery Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • It wasn't possible to specify Consul service tags via new style config format.

GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-peer-discovery-consul#18

  • It wasn't possible to configure lock key prefix via new style config format.

GitHub issues: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-peer-discovery-consul#16


  • Lock acquisition timeout now can be configured using cluster_formation.consul.lock_timeout as well as cluster_formation.consul.lock_wait_time (an alias),
    to be consistent with the Etcd implementation.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-peer-discovery-consul#20

Etcd Peer Discovery Plugin


  • Lock acquisition timeout now can be configured using cluster_formation.etcd.lock_timeout as well as cluster_formation.etcd.lock_wait_time (an alias),
    to be consistent with the Consul implementation.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-peer-discovery-etcd#16

Event Exchange Plugin


  • Throughput optimizations reduce probability of high memory consumption by rabbit_event processes due to
    event backlog accumulation.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server#1722

RPM Package

Bug Fixes

  • Post-installation script renamed rabbitmq.conf to rabbitmq-env.conf. A long time ago rabbitmq.confwas used to configure
    environment variables (like rabbitmq-env.conf today) and old post-installation steps were not removed when rabbitmq.conf
    was re-adopted for new style config files.

    GitHub issue: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server-release#87

【声明】文章转载自:开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《RabbitMQ 3.7.9 发布,Erlang 的 AMQP 开源实现》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






郑奇煌 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2017-11 / 119.00元

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