RvmTranslator6.6 - RVM to CATIA

栏目: C++ · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, .etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as Autodesk AutoCAD, Plant3d, 3ds Max, CATI

RvmTranslator6.6 - RVM to CATIA

RvmTranslator can translate the RVM file exported by AVEVA Plant(PDMS)/AVEVA Marine to STEP, IGES, STL, DXF, 3D PDF, OBJ, 3DXML, .etc. So it can be used for exchanging model data between other CAD software, such as Autodesk AutoCAD, Plant3d, 3ds Max, CATIA, Solidworks, Pro/E, Unity3d, .etc.

I am pleased to announce a new release of RvmTranslator6.6.

RvmTranslatoer6.6 is a minor release, which includes the following new features:

RvmTranslator 可以将 AVEVA PDMS/Plant/Marine 中导出的 RVM 文件进行可视化,以及将 RVM 转换成常见的三维文件格式。如 STEP IGES STL DXF, OBJ, 3DPDF, 3DXML 等,便于与其他 CAD 系统进行数据交换,如 Autodesk AutoCAD, Plant3d, 3ds Max, CATIA, Solidworks, Pro/E, Unity3d, Bentley 等。

RvmTranslator6.6 主要增加导出带设计结构的 STEP 文件,此文件在导入 CATIA 后的结构与模型与 PDMS 中一致,如下图所示:

RvmTranslator6.6 - RVM to CATIA

Download RvmTranslator


RvmTranslator6.6 - RVM to CATIA

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《RvmTranslator6.6 - RVM to CATIA》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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