C++ 和 Python 实现旋转数组的最小数字

栏目: C++ · 发布时间: 5年前

内容简介:(说明:本文中的把一个数组最开始的若干个元素搬到数组的末尾,我们称之为数组的旋转。输入一个递增排序的数组的一个旋转,输出旋转数组的最小元素。例如数组 {3, 4, 5, 1, 2} 为 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 的一个旋转,该数组的最小值为 1 。1.

(说明:本文中的 题目题目详细说明参考代码 均摘自 “何海涛《 剑指Offer:名企面试官精讲典型编程题 》2012年”)


把一个数组最开始的若干个元素搬到数组的末尾,我们称之为数组的旋转。输入一个递增 排序 的数组的一个旋转,输出旋转数组的最小元素。例如数组 {3, 4, 5, 1, 2} 为 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 的一个旋转,该数组的最小值为 1 。


1. 暴力查找 (Bruteforce Search):把旋转数组从前到后遍历一遍,其时间复杂度为 O(n)。很明显,这种思想非常直接粗暴,没有用到旋转数组的性质。

2. 二分查找 (Binary Search):每次查找都把旋转数组平均分成两部分,通过比较当前旋转数组 两端点中间点 的值,判断最小值在数组的哪一部分,从而达到缩小搜索范围的目的。其中,两 端点 为当前的旋转数组 索引最小索引最大 的元素, 中间点 为这两部分子数组的连结元素,也可以看做为 轴枢点 (pivot point),这里取旋转数组的最小索引和最大索引的算术平均值(向下取整)作为索引,其对应的元素作为 中间点 。具体过程,如图 2.10 所示。

C++ 和  <a href='https://www.codercto.com/topics/20097.html'>Python</a>  实现旋转数组的最小数字

需要 注意 ,当旋转数组的两 端点 的值都与 中间点 的值 相等 时,因为无法判断最小值在哪一部分,因此需要采用 顺序查找 方法,即 暴力查找 。其示例如图 2.11 所示。

C++ 和 Python 实现旋转数组的最小数字

C++ 实现




// Declare a parameter exception

class ParamException: public std::exception {

virtual const char* what() const throw()


return "Error: input parameters exception!";



// find minimum in data[staIndex..endIndex]

int findMinInRotatedArray(int data[], int staIndex, int endIndex)


if (staIndex > endIndex || data == NULL)


throw ParamException();


int minimum = data[staIndex];

if (data[staIndex] >= data[endIndex] && staIndex < endIndex - 1)  // 易错点


// Use Binary Search

int midIndex = (staIndex + endIndex) / 2;

if (data[midIndex] > data[staIndex])

minimum = findMinInRotatedArray(data, midIndex, endIndex);

else if (data[midIndex] < data[endIndex])

minimum = findMinInRotatedArray(data, staIndex, midIndex);



// Find the minimum sequentially

for (int i = staIndex+1; i <= endIndex; ++i)

if (minimum > data[i])

minimum = data[i];



else if (staIndex == (endIndex - 1))


minimum = data[staIndex] > data[endIndex]? data[endIndex]:data[staIndex];


return minimum;


void unitest()


int arr1[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2};

int arr2[] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 1};

int arr3[] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 1};

int arr4[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

printf("The minimum of the rotated array {3, 4, 5, 1, 2} is %d.\n", findMinInRotatedArray(arr1, 0, 4));

printf("The minimum of the rotated array {1, 0, 1, 1, 1} is %d.\n", findMinInRotatedArray(arr2, 0, 4));

printf("The minimum of the rotated array {1, 1, 1, 0, 1} is %d.\n", findMinInRotatedArray(arr3, 0, 4));

printf("The minimum of the rotated array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is %d.\n", findMinInRotatedArray(arr4, 0, 4));

// Test index parameter exception

try {

findMinInRotatedArray(arr3, 5, 4);


catch(std::exception& e) {

std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;



int main(void)



return 0;


C++ 和 Python 实现旋转数组的最小数字

Python 实现


# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

# Define ParamError Exception

class ParamError(Exception):

def __init__(self, value):

self.value = value

def __str__(self):

return repr(self.value)

# Find the minimum in rotated array   

def min_in_rotated_array(data, length):

if data is None or length <= 0:

raise ParamError("Error: input parameters exception!")

# Index initialization

sta, mid, end = 0, 0, length-1

# Ensure this requisite before binary search

while data[sta] >= data[end]:

if end - sta == 1:

mid = end


# Get the middle index

mid = (sta + end) / 2

# Find the minimum in order

if (data[sta] == data[mid]) and (data[mid] == data[end]):

minimum = data[sta]

for i in range(sta+1, end+1):

if minimum > data[i]:

minimum = data[i]

return minimum

if data[sta] <= data[mid]:

sta = mid

elif data[end] >= data[mid]:

end = mid

return data[mid]

def unitest():

arr1 = [3, 4, 5, 1, 2]

arr2 = [1, 0, 1, 1, 1]

arr3 = [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]

arr4 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

print("The minimum of the rotated array [3, 4, 5, 1, 2] is %d." % min_in_rotated_array(arr1, 5));

print("The minimum of the rotated array [1, 0, 1, 1, 1] is %d." % min_in_rotated_array(arr2, 5));

print("The minimum of the rotated array [1, 1, 1, 0, 1] is %d." % min_in_rotated_array(arr3, 5));

print("The minimum of the rotated array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] is %d." % min_in_rotated_array(arr4, 5));


min_in_rotated_array(arr1, -2)

except Exception, e:

print "\nFunction call: min_in_rotated_array(arr1, -2)"

print e

if __name__ == '__main__':



1. targetver.h

#pragma once

// The following macros define the minimum required platform.  The minimum required platform

// is the earliest version of Windows, Internet Explorer etc. that has the necessary features to run

// your application.  The macros work by enabling all features available on platform versions up to and

// including the version specified.

// Modify the following defines if you have to target a platform prior to the ones specified below.

// Refer to MSDN for the latest info on corresponding values for different platforms.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT            // Specifies that the minimum required platform is Windows Vista.

#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600    // Change this to the appropriate value to target other versions of Windows.


2. stdafx.h

// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,

// or project specific include files that are used frequently, but

// are changed infrequently


#pragma once

#include "targetver.h"



// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here

3. stdafx.cpp

// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes

// MinNumberInRotatedArray.pch will be the pre-compiled header

// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information

#include "stdafx.h"

// TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H

// and not in this file

4. MinNumberInRotatedArray.cpp

// MinNumberInRotatedArray.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.


// 《剑指Offer——名企面试官精讲典型编程题》代码

// 著作权所有者:何海涛

#include "stdafx.h"


int MinInOrder(int* numbers, int index1, int index2);

int Min(int* numbers, int length)


if(numbers == NULL || length <= 0)

throw new std::exception("Invalid parameters");

int index1 = 0;

int index2 = length - 1;

int indexMid = index1;

while(numbers[index1] >= numbers[index2])


// 如果index1和index2指向相邻的两个数,

// 则index1指向第一个递增子数组的最后一个数字,

// index2指向第二个子数组的第一个数字,也就是数组中的最小数字

if(index2 - index1 == 1)


indexMid = index2;



// 如果下标为index1、index2和indexMid指向的三个数字相等,

// 则只能顺序查找

indexMid = (index1 + index2) / 2;

if(numbers[index1] == numbers[index2] && numbers[indexMid] == numbers[index1])

return MinInOrder(numbers, index1, index2);

// 缩小查找范围

if(numbers[indexMid] >= numbers[index1])

index1 = indexMid;

else if(numbers[indexMid] <= numbers[index2])

index2 = indexMid;


return numbers[indexMid];


int MinInOrder(int* numbers, int index1, int index2)


int result = numbers[index1];

for(int i = index1 + 1; i <= index2; ++i)


if(result > numbers[i])

result = numbers[i];


return result;


// ====================测试代码====================

void Test(int* numbers, int length, int expected)


int result = 0;



result = Min(numbers, length);

for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i)

printf("%d ", numbers[i]);

if(result == expected)





catch (...)


if(numbers == NULL)

printf("Test passed.\n");


printf("Test failed.\n");



int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


// 典型输入,单调升序的数组的一个旋转

int array1[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2};

Test(array1, sizeof(array1) / sizeof(int), 1);

// 有重复数字,并且重复的数字刚好的最小的数字

int array2[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 2};

Test(array2, sizeof(array2) / sizeof(int), 1);

// 有重复数字,但重复的数字不是第一个数字和最后一个数字

int array3[] = {3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 2};

Test(array3, sizeof(array3) / sizeof(int), 1);

// 有重复的数字,并且重复的数字刚好是第一个数字和最后一个数字

int array4[] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 1};

Test(array4, sizeof(array4) / sizeof(int), 0);

// 单调升序数组,旋转0个元素,也就是单调升序数组本身

int array5[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Test(array5, sizeof(array5) / sizeof(int), 1);

// 数组中只有一个数字

int array6[] = {2};

Test(array6, sizeof(array6) / sizeof(int), 2);

// 输入NULL

Test(NULL, 0, 0);

return 0;


7. 参考代码下载

项目 08_MinNumberInRotatedArray 可以到 Linux 公社资源站下载:


免费下载地址在 http://linux.linuxidc.com/

用户名与密码都是 www.linuxidc.com

具体下载目录在/2019年资料/2月/4日/C++ 和 Python 实现旋转数组的最小数字/

下载方法见 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-07/87684.htm



本文永久更新链接地址: https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2019-02/156711.htm

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