Lucid Thoughts Christmas Day Marathon!

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Cognitive Search , Deep Learning , Machine Learning , Natural Language Processing

Lucid Thoughts Christmas Day Marathon!

Exhausted from the holidays and need a break? We've got a dozen short explainer videos about AI, ML, and deep learning, ready to inform and soothe.

byAndy Wibbels

Lucid Thoughts Christmas Day Marathon!

The halls are decked. The chestnuts? Roasted. Jack Frost has nipped your nose. Aaaaand your crazy uncle is back spouting his nutso political conspiracy theories as you grit your teeth and say, “YES MORE CHEESE POTATOES, PLEEZ.”

Time to escape!

While the kids destroy the house playing with their new toys, the teens are off to the movies to play on their phones, and your folks are nodding off early,  you’ve finally got some alone time to pick a series to binge watch.

And yeah of course we’re going to recommend our AI explainer video series, Lucid Thoughts!

So bundle up with your laptop and your headphones, and let’s have a sleigh ride:

Lucid Thoughts Season One

Lucid Thoughts Christmas Day Marathon!

In our premiere season of Lucid Thoughts, we started off with the basics like:

Take a break, get some eggnog or wassail, maybe a cookie or five… and then:

Lucid Thoughts Season Two

Lucid Thoughts Christmas Day Marathon!

Our sophomore season goes even deeper and broader into these topics:

Happy Holidays from all of us at Lucidworks! See ya in the new year!

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Understanding Computation

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