码农软件 · 软件分类 · 多媒体处理 · 2019-09-16 09:26:50


FMJ是一个Java开源项目它是JMF(Java Media Framework)的一个"替代品"并能够使用现存的第三方插件如jffmpeg和IBM的MPEG-4。它不需要给JRE安装任东西,还提供一些JMF没有的特性如:SWT支持等。

FMJ is an open-source project with the goal of providing an alternative to Java Media Framework (JMF), while remaining API-compatible with JMF. It aims to produce a single API/Framework which can be used to capture, playback, process, and stream media across multiple platforms.

Since FMJ is API-compatible with latest JMF, you may use existing JMF codes and run them. However, several areas of the project are under development, and sometimes you may have to find workarounds, if your existing JMF codes do not work. At any time feel free to ask us questions on our help forum. You can also browse through our getting started, troubleshooting and javadoc pages. This documentation will help you undestand the difference and similarities between JMF and FMJ.

FMJ also has two sub-projects and one sister project. The sub-projects, FFMPEG-Java and Theora-Java, are Java wrappers for FFMPEG and Vorbis respectively. Our sister project is LTI-CIVIL and it is used as the primary video capture device library.

FMJ can be downloaded here in ZIP or TAR bundles, or you can directly pull the latest source from CVS.

You are always welcome to join the team, because this is a big project with lots to do!

By the way, do not forget to check out screenshots and live demo sections!


CLR via C#

CLR via C#

(美)Jeffrey Richter / 周靖 / 清华大学出版社 / 2010-9 / 99.00元

本书针对CLR和.NET Framework 4.0进行深入、全面的探讨,并结合实例介绍了如何利用它们进行设计、开发和调试。全书5部分29章。第Ⅰ部分介绍CLR基础,第Ⅱ部分解释如何设计类型,第Ⅲ部分介绍基本类型,第Ⅳ部分以实用特性为主题,第Ⅴ部分花大量篇幅重点介绍线程处理。 通过本书的阅读,读者可以掌握CLR和.NET Framework的精髓,轻松、高效地创建高性能应用程序。一起来看看 《CLR via C#》 这本书的介绍吧!

CSS 压缩/解压工具
CSS 压缩/解压工具

在线压缩/解压 CSS 代码

