BPEL执行引擎 bexee

码农软件 · 软件分类 · 工作流引擎 · 2019-09-28 10:14:17



bexee is no longer actively developed

The reason is simply that we don't seem to find enough time to seriously push the project further since we have left the university, where the project was started originally.

We believe that bexee 0.1 serves as a good proof of concept and shows, how a BPEL engine could be implemented. If you have some time and energy to continue working on the project or just have questions about it, please drop us a line. We would be more than glad to help you wherever possible.

Cheers ;)




纽伯 / 邵谦谦 / 清华大学出版社 / 2004-5 / 35.0

本书作者Monty Neworn是国际计算机象棋协公的主席,作者是用生动活泼的笔触描写了深蓝与卡斯帕罗夫之战这一引起全世界关注的历史事件的前前后后。由于作者的特殊身份和多年来对计算机象棋的关心,使他掌握了许多局外人不能得到的资料,记叙了很多鲜为人知的故事。全书行文流畅、文笔优美,对于棋局的描述更是跌宕起伏、险象环生,让读者好像又一次亲身经历了那场流动人心的战争。 本书作为一本科普读物......一起来看看 《旷世之战――IBM深蓝夺冠之路》 这本书的介绍吧!

Base64 编码/解码
Base64 编码/解码

Base64 编码/解码

MD5 加密
MD5 加密

MD5 加密工具

HEX HSV 转换工具
HEX HSV 转换工具

HEX HSV 互换工具