Broxy: An intercept proxy written in Go

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Broxy is an open source intercept proxy written in Go. It makes use ofDISCLAIMER:this is still an alpha software so bear with me.


Broxy is an open source intercept proxy written in Go. It makes use of goproxy as core proxy implementation and the interface is implemented with a Qt wrapper for Go.

DISCLAIMER:this is still an alpha software so bear with me.

Broxy: An intercept proxy written in Go


Broxy is currently a work in progress project. The current version provides the following features:

  • Interceptor
  • History with filters
  • Repeater


Grab a Binary

Grab a compiled version of Broxy here .

Compiling from Sources

To compile Broxy make sure you have the following installed and properly configured:

Once Go, Qt 5.13 and the Qt wrapper are ready, just do:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
make build

Once the compilation is finished, you'll have the binary inside the folder deploy ... !


Broxy is released under the GPLv3 license.

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