Chrome v83 enables JS module support for SharedWorkers → Starting a new era for multi Brows...

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 3年前

内容简介:Now you might be wondering: “So, what does this mean?”Since the release of Chrome v80, JS module support for “normal” workers is in place:

Chrome v83 enables JS module support for SharedWorkers → Starting a new era for multi Brows...

A big thank you at the Blink Team for making this happen!

Now you might be wondering: “So, what does this mean?”

Since the release of Chrome v80, JS module support for “normal” workers is in place:

const worker = new Worker(filePath, {type: 'module'});

Now with v83, you can do this:

const sharedWorker = new SharedWorker(filePath, {type: 'module'});

Meaning: you can now use ES6+ classes & modules for your SharedWorkers, allowing us to create solid architectures for complex use cases.

2. How is the support in Firefox and Safari?

Truth to be told: not there yet.

Both, Firefox & Safari do not even support JS modules for non shared workers yet.

const worker = new Worker(filePath, {type: 'module'});

This will just break at the first (non dynamic) import statement.

(Opened 4 years ago)

(Opened 4 years ago)

In case you do care about Firefox & Safari not completely falling behind, please add some weight to the tickets. This should improve the priority.

What is neo.mjs?

neo.mjs is a webworkers driven UI framework I am working on. The first public release was on November 23, 2019.

The entire code base as well as all demo Apps are using the MIT license.

In short: neo.mjs is using 4 threads by default:

  1. Main (top level)
  2. App
  3. Data
  4. VDom

The main thread only creates the 3 workers, delegates virtualised UI events to the App worker and manipulates the real DOM (applying delta updates).

You can enhance Main using main thread addons, e.g. in case you want to work with external libraries like AmCharts or MapboxGL, which have to run inside the main thread.

Most parts of the framework as well as the Apps you build with it run inside the App worker.

This leaves the main thread mostly idle, leading to a blazing fast rendering performance.

To really get the idea, let us take a quick look at the Covid Dashboard Demo App without using SharedWorkers first:

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Chrome v83 enables JS module support for SharedWorkers → Starting a new era for multi Brows...》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




来吧!带你玩转 Excel VBA

来吧!带你玩转 Excel VBA

罗刚君、杨嘉恺 / 电子工业出版社 / 2013-7 / 85.00元

本书旨在普及Excel VBA 基础理论,以及通过VBA 的高级应用扩展Excel 的功能,提升读者的制表效率,解决工作中的疑难,同时亦可借此开发商业插件。 本书主要分为操作自动化引言篇、入门篇、进阶篇和疑难解答篇,覆盖从入门到提高的所有内容,以满足不同层次的读者需求。其中操作自动化引言篇简述了操作自动化的需求与方式,借此引出VBA 入门篇。VBA 入门篇包含第2 章到第13 章,主要介绍了......一起来看看 《来吧!带你玩转 Excel VBA》 这本书的介绍吧!



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