Introducing Increment subscriptions

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:In April 2017, Stripe launchedAs a software company building economic infrastructure, creating a physical print magazine was, perhaps, a non-obvious choice. But two and a half years in, we’ve published 11 issues and over 100 stories, representing the work
Introducing Increment subscriptions

In April 2017, Stripe launched Increment , a quarterly print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale. Its mission? To act as a dependable resource, offering stories, insights, and advice to inspire and support developers—with valuable learnings from some of the tech industry’s most effective software teams.

As a software company building economic infrastructure, creating a physical print magazine was, perhaps, a non-obvious choice. But two and a half years in, we’ve published 11 issues and over 100 stories, representing the work of many dozens of editorial contributors and illustrators. We’ve shared Nadia Eghbal’s take on future expectations for open-source , Alvaro Videla’s analogy of programming as translation , Glenn Fleishman’s exploration of COBOL’s many-decade journey , and Juan Pablo Buriticá and Katie Womersley’s guide to distributed engineering teams . We’ve talked about cloud capacity planning , testing in production , on-call best practices , and mental health . And while we had full-color copies on hand—on actual, touchable paper—at conferences and events we attended, Increment in print was not yet for sale.

Our readers have regularly asked us when we would make it easier to get print copies of Increment . Today, we’re excited to share that print subscriptions are here . (You can purchase issues from our complete back catalog, too.)

We’re thankful for the readers and community—you are the reason we publish Increment . If you have ideas for future issues or authors we should feature, please reach out —we’d love to hear from you. Happy reading.

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[印] 纳拉辛哈·卡鲁曼希(Narasimha Karumanchi) / 爱飞翔 / 机械工业出版社 / 2018-2-27 / 99

本书特色 以通俗易懂的方式讲述面试题,涵盖编程基础、架构设计、网络技术、数据库技术、数据结构及算法等主题 书中的题目来自微软、谷歌、亚马逊、雅虎、Oracle、Facebook等大公司的面试题,以及一些知名竞赛(如GATE)的考试题 全书约有700道算法题,每道题都有详细解答 针对每一编程问题,都会按照复杂度递减的顺序给出各种解法 专注于问题本身并对这些问题做出分析,......一起来看看 《程序员面试手册》 这本书的介绍吧!

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