Java反编译器 Mocha

码农软件 · 软件分类 · 编译器 · 2019-12-09 19:28:20


Mocha 是一款 Java 的反编译器。

In 1996, Hanpeter van Vliet released a beta version of a Java decompiler named Mocha, and an obfuscator named Crema. A controversy erupted and he temporarily withdrew Mocha from public distribution.

I have no sympathy for the people who opposed the release of Mocha. It is just a tool and is not inherently "bad" or "wrong". Attempting to ban tools like Mocha to prevent reverse engineering of software is like trying to ban socket sets to prevent reverse engineering of automobiles. Disassemblers and decompilers for other languages have been available for years, and have many legitimate uses.




Federico Biancuzzi、Shane Warden / 闫怀志 / 电子工业出版社 / 2010-04 / 59.80元

本书是27位杰出的设计师与你分享他们的智慧和经验。书中以问答方式告诉为什么要创建某种编程语言、它在技术上如何开发、如何教授和学习,以及它如何顺应时代发展等。你会发现构建成功编程语言所需的思想和步骤,它广受欢迎的原因,以及如何处理程序员常见的问题。因此,如果你想深入学习设计成功编程语言的思想,本书会对你大有帮助。一起来看看 《编程之魂》 这本书的介绍吧!

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